Greg Banks

Nobody is “addicted to porn” by the generally accepted definition of the word addiction. They might be compulsively masturbating but looking at pornographic photos and videos is not any more “addictive” than watching the damn sun set every night.

The only thing they will see from me is how bad I type which will probably drive them nuts. 

Those people should try to get all of the stars in Super Mario Galaxy 2.  I may have aged 15 years in the 6 weeks it took me to pull that off.

I hope he got his 14 lbs of cocaine back. ‘Cause I’m sucking my teeth just thinking about it.

“Is It Safe to Make Soup in a Truck Stop’s Toilet?”

I don’t think I’ve ever scanned a QR code and been like “oh, that was worth it”

Took me a second too. I immediately thought this woman had a roommate that somehow purposely made this tumor start to form.

But alas....

Roommate = Tumor

Your posts are not even remotely funny or sarcastic.

Is there a word for the opposite sort of neurological confusion? With low bloodsugar, I often get the impression that familiar things are wildly unfamiliar. For example, I’ll be in front of my own house and can remember everything about it, but it feels like I’m lost and the place is entirely unfamiliar even though

Those bulk CD/DVD spindle cases are pretty much the perfect size for holding a bagel, so if you make yourself a nice bagel sammy for lunch, grab one of those and it won’t fall apart or get squished before you’re ready to eat it.

Mario has died thousands of times.

Clover4 is already n the works for next year, so....I don’t think Boss has anything lined up now that Roseanne 2018 is in the can? Maybe a stage show or something?

They’ll never stop the Star Wars!

The one thing we’d need after that was some clear way of creating “compound” emoji: Take the following:’s not portable? The dock is pretty damn small and light and the AC adapter is no larger than, say, a laptop charger.

The level ones stay forever, like the three in the Deep Forest and the one up above it, up to the Flower Tower - yes, those aren’t up into the clouds, but they’re what made me think they’d all stay put.

Honestly it just seems like they had a very quick and easy unlock method with Touch ID, but then had to go and waste a lot of money and throw in additional components for this Face ID that is, at best, only just as good as they already had.


I suspect it has to do with the Metric system.... in it millions to billions to trillions are separated by six orders of magnitude whereas in the English system millions are 1x10E6, billions 1x10E9 and trillions 1X10E12, which mean a trillion in English units are “merely” a billion in Metric units.