
Saw him do practically this whole record in NY back in April. He's the real deal and the new album is a strong departure from his debut.

Bridges is pure pastiche; everything about him from his album layout to the music. Aloe Blacc doesn't fare much better outside a song or two.

Woichik shooting the security guard in what I presume is a heavily-surveilled prison parking lot wasn't even the most ridiculous part of the episode (although it would be on a normal show). Pilar divulging everything right after meeting Woichik, is somehow more ridiculous.

I don't know why I'm still watching. If this aired in September and were up against 50 other shows I watch, I wouldn't have lasted past the first episode…yet here I am. It's bad enough Sturgess is playing the "bad boy" chef (which, funnily enough, Inside Amy Schumer lampooned with mixed results this past season), but

Look her up. She's been on IAS multiple times and has a special that came out recently, presented by Schumer. She's a way funnier stand-up though.

CeCe is the hilarious Rachel Feinstein's niece.

I expect a write-up about tonight's show. Louis CK was on and he won! It was entertaining; the journalists who were on with him, not so much.

Although it has been on the decline, "cutting to the audience" should be completely eradicated. We can hear them laugh, I don't need to see them holding their mouths or slapping their knees to know theyre having a good time. Particularly egregious are the specials where they were clearly using an audience reaction

This was a really strong special and one of the rare occasions where cutting to the "audience" was more than acceptable, but downright necessary for the special.

Put down the game for months because of this. Finally picked it up again and got through it. Glad I'm not the only one.

He clearly had to choose between two of his darlings. It was to the detriment to a show that many people enjoyed (although critics never cared for it). It may have been best for him, but it was a slap in the face to everyone involved in Boardwalk.

I see Zak starting a rival label in S2, grooming Xavier as his flagship act, and taking some American Century/Alibi staff with him (such as Scott or Skip; one will stay with Richie). The punk thing won't pan out, as many commenters have already mentioned. But if they really are going down that road and are not just

Precisely. Winter was given the ultimatum and he chose Vinyl over a proper conclusion to BE. And then he winds up (leaving? getting kicked off?) the show anyway. Ludicrous.

First thing that came to mind during this scene.

Exactly. I don't know why everyone is celebrating as if Kim is going to be on some major upswing eternally. She is slowly being poisoned by her association with Jimmy; tonight was a major step further in that direction. She is going to be ruined; professionally, personally; it's just a matter of when.

What he said…

Bingo. What bothered me the most is that they just let that pie sit there! Bryan took one bite! No appreciation. My eyes kept going back to the pizza like, "Are you guys gonna finish that or let it get cold?"

His most well-known role was Gyp Rossetti on Boardwalk Empire, who was also an out-sized character (albeit, a much more entertaining one). I've dug him in everything else I've seen him in (Blue Jasmine, Danny Collins, Glengarry Glen Ross on Broadway), but I cannot stand him here. Scenery-chewing constantly. Getting

All of those Sabbath vocalists dont count. They didnt all tour and/or record with them. Dave Donato did some demos that wound up not going anywhere. Really?

Paranoid is not even in the top 20 best songs by Sabbath. To completely blow off how incredible they are as musicians and songwriters, not even getting to the huge impact they have had on metal and rock n roll in general, is downright ignorant.