
Tom, what you mention about the dealer experience rings true. For the many readers that hate on or can’t understand why a parent would buy their teenager an entry level Mercedes or Audi a BMW or any other luxury brand the buying experience is a factor for many of those parents. Many do not want to be subjected to

Men died on that ship. Not a joke.

Apologies in advance, but staring at the picture I can’t stop thinking “Steaks for a year. Porterhouse, filet, strip, flank....”

Canadian with an american audience. Win/win?

I’ve been a fan of Top Gear since I can remember. Always waiting in anticipation for the next episode to see not only the cars and their “reviews”, but mostly to see the strange tests and scenarios that would be presented for the hosts to take part in. Their candid back-and-forth banter and digs appeared so genuine

As an American, I give you Howard Stern. Can’t stand him, don’t listen to him, but know who he is so that I can avoid anything with him. So I’d say he’s a celebrity from a radio show.

It’s called Punitive Damages. Punitive damages or exemplary damages are damages intended to reform or deter the defendant and others from engaging in conduct similar to that which formed the basis of the lawsuit. Kind of like speeding tickets being more expensive for the ultra wealthy.