I so want this show on Netflix.
I so want this show on Netflix.
Of course, the only places you'll be able to see Nolan's movie on actual film is in the little shithole theaters that couldn't afford the 25-30K per screen required for an upgrade to digital projection equipment. So there's that.
I saw it late in its run, and didn't know what the twist was, but knew there was one. I think that led me to be more aware of things so I figured it out about halfway through the movie.
Yeah, my mistake. Cars 2 was also not nominated. In my defense, I have done my best to forget that movie ever existed at all.
Anybody notice Pixar wasn't even NOMINATED? First time that's happened since the category was started. I didn't love Monsters U, but you can't tell me it wasn't better than Despicable Me 2.
This needs 'Yakkety Sax' dubbed over it, ASAP.
Ahem. For the most famous put down of Chevy Chase, please see my screen name. If you don't know the story, the you're missing out on one of the greatest behind-the-scenes SNL stories ever told.
"h…hello? is there anybody there? uh…guys?….anyone?…"
The movies of Summer 2014.
Thank YOU!!!
Heaven, I need a hug.
Ok. That's it. I'm done. Tried to stick it out through the first season, but just couldn't make it. Bye, everybody. See you on the Breaking Bad boards.
I hated this movie, except I remember being pleasantly surprised at the end when I found out the villain was Harrison Ford. I hoped it meant he was finally going to branch out and play something besides pissed off husbands and fathers. Any other actor, I would have guessed he was the bad guy before the opening…
Yes. Yes, it did.
Branford, Jason, Wynton, Ellis, and Delfayo Marsalis did this on their 'A Jazz Celebration' record from 2002. They almost never play together live as a group. The whole record is great, but 'Struttin' With Some Barbecue' is ten minutes of pure awesome-sauce.
"Do me a favor, next time you say Kurt Schnitkey on the air…slow it down a little."
"Hit the high note in 'Cryin'' and I'll be impressed."
Peter Sadler. Loved that character. I like to imagine he left CSC and went to work for Oliver Babish in Josiah Bartlet's White House.
We had seen Batman Forever, so my buddy and I knew B&R was going to be crap. We decided to go see it anyway. What the hell, right? It's still Batman.
The first few minutes went about as well as you'd expect, including the tight shots of bat-asses and bat-nipples, then there was the fight in the museum with Mr.…
Jeremy leaps to his feet: "WHO GAVE CASEY THAT QUESTION?!!"