that black dude got boobs
that black dude got boobs
I'm just going to assume you are one giant ass moron because it's makes reading your statement that much easier. Your statement reeks of not only a judgemental gamer on what is and is not a game but one giant bro ass with his head shoved so far up his butt he can't see reality anymore.
Sorry the kickstarter was cancelled, because they self funded the whole way. Look at the daily backer to money they got. It does not add up to other kickstarters. There was a day where they made $9,000 with 14 backers. They also made $4,000 with 7 backers and 2 days they made about $5,000 with 3 backers each day. 2…
They actually never took any money if the Kickstarter was canceled. Kickstarter will only collect the money if the funding is successful and only at the end of the pledge period. So, effectively, they got the games for free and only said they were going to pony up the money, but never actually did.
Technically if a kickstarter hits its goal and then gets canceled, no money would be refunded because no money was ever taken.
Um no? Does she not have insurance for this stuff? Correct me if I'm wrong.
The company behind this game is doing a good job giving off the impression that they're having nothing but fun with the development of the game.
Aside from both being worn on the head, they're completely different applications of technology.
If she was a boy it wouldn't be as high? Does the gender really matter that much given the whole point of the game is hacking the world? Why are people so hung up on gender?
Oh! You meant THAT kind of Bear?
And it has the best image viewer of that era: Cshow.
Load up
Can't say I'll miss ya
What points did you even make? You accused Gawker of being paid by the Feds with no citation or reason out of nowhere which makes you look insane, you assumed I'm of the species Lemmus Lemmus which as we all know is highly improbable, you assumed I owned an iPhone and that I upgrade said phone each year to be cool…
Prices range from $3.50-$20.
I've barely read the articles, usually the title of the article speaks for itself. I only made a comment because every site feels the need to report every sparking detail of uncontrolled people playing Pokemon. Like I said it was interesting and fun the first time but this got stale really fast.
Is it done? Is it finally over? Can people finally shut up about this thing and reduce the unfunny forced memes coming out of this? Can this rest in peace? No, probably not, they'll probably start more of this until gaming sites stop posting every little accomplishment they do that most of us don't really care. Hell,…