That was just plain awesome with the movie lines/situations executed so well
That was just plain awesome with the movie lines/situations executed so well
@skidoosh: That is more due to the cost of the tickets for a one way trip I think rather than security measures.
@Yerzriknot: That close of range you had better be able to group shots otherwise no gun for you around me, I value my parts.
@alexmg2420: They taste like a cough drop
@xaronax: Heck of a lot more flexible than indium
@nebus: Last time I checked we sit on a rock where we barely get into the outer crust. WW2 and other wars sunk hundred of thousands of tons of material in the seas. Our landfills are loaded with mine-able materials.
@LeitoFTW: spewed coffee!
@Willard Fillmore: Its like the little/tiny loop on a camera, meant for a strap so you do not drop it and break it.
@SEDAGIVE?!: advertising baloon tether
Well, those two particular Mac Users obviously have total disregard for others safety, or giving to others who can not afford things, like oh say a school computing program.
@A.Jaswal: The Universe kit pile looks a lot like my piles. Little pieces everywhere, but it all makes sense to me lol
@eediebax: Sill plate.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Mmmmm I miss this and home made honeykook !
@Stem_Sell: What are you on? I want some
Were are the foundation to footer board bolts. Every home in California has those to keep the house in place.
@Mr.Pacman: @FrankenPC: Used to have lots of forests. Lobbying is the real answer. Packed earthen walls with polymer additives would be safer, more economical and have massively higher energy savings.
@25toLife: The Universe song by Yakko Warner is soooo spot on in this case. 'I think you mean Dot on, Wakko'
@bongochild: Ummm God created the Big Bang Event. How else would he organize the parts from his LEGO kit of the Universe.
@acceptablerisk: 556 is two 555 timers on one longer chip.
@BootHillBossanova: Have you read the LA Times online lately?