@snapoversteer fronts the prog-rock band Camber Tweel: Uh ok... so?
@snapoversteer fronts the prog-rock band Camber Tweel: Uh ok... so?
@pixelsnader: You might be surprised how often it comes up when a client calls to ask which piece they bought from me and which from another vendor. I have personally asked myself only once or twice.
@potka: handy when there is a cell signal at a craft show. Also the image receipt is great to show the client what they bought.
@mind in rewind: Took me from March until two weeks ago.
@desi214: the ad is definitely detracting from the product, which I just started using. Very handy.
@EnemaBagJones: Light oxidization can be removed with simple abrasion from cotton. Though in my case, slightly acidic skin and salt from working out.
@djdare: It is about a gizmo, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer aboard NASA's Terra satellite. The article just happens to have a commentary as well, as a blog should. Create your own masterpiece of a technology website if you wish.
@Tristan: Carl Sagan has a great way with simple words to convey the human condition.
@Hearthatvoiceagain says golf is a game best left to Europeans: Because the definition of dictator does not include an absolute about cutting everything off they do not like. A smart dictator just charges more the service. Or a stupid democracy takes away the founders list of rights.
@DaveyNC: Nah, keeps polishing in your pocket from movement
The video is very slow and not entertaining so we are not missing much.
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I can stop this feeling....
Hey Disney, come look at your soon to be newest Imagineer!
@Parge_Lenis: And the radiation was fresher as well
@Parge_Lenis: in the 80s they still had humans
Might be faster, cheaper and easier to air drop parts and fuel plus a repair team then fly it out.
@showbiz2: Nope, easy to do this kind of search. Go to a search engine, type in *. and the letters you want to search. To see the domain with the most results type in *.cn
@Hearthatvoiceagain says golf is a game best left to Europeans: I think you mean unless Greenland's government decides to cancel contracts with certain other countries.
@RenRen: The servers can be anywhere. But Libya owns the .ly so if they do not want you using it, they can take it away.
@DoubtedBeef: But the Motorola Droid series have an easy to grasp ruubber backplate and fit nicely in one's hand