
Stereotype? Nothing wrong with his being Asian. Not every actor has to be white...or speak like a white ‘murican

Nothing unfortunate about him. He was great. His race shouldn’t even matter. Asians are people too...

We stole the nation from Native Americans. If you don’t believe in giving the nation back or giving an entire state back , then you are a racist.

If you believe in a tax rate of 30% to help poor minorities, then you are more racist than someone who believes in a tax rate of 60% to help minorities .

If you live in a community where there are minorities struggling with their finances, or that don’t even have a home, and you have the means to help them, personally, but don’t, then you are a racist.

All whites are at least a little racist. I never forget that, even when being around my white “friends”

Goofy white people like Estes need to stop pro-creating