
I suspect Rex footage will continue to be trotted out leading up to the US Broadchurch remake. Tennant is going to wear that bad accent thing like an albatross around his neck for a while longer. Pretty well any mention of Gracepoint in the UK press will reference it or link to the massive negative press coverage the

I'll second that for Exile - terrific show, although Colman is always reliably good. I agree that David Tennant's best work is all pre-Who. He was a good foil for David Morrissey in Blackpool and great fun in Casanova. Walking into the Who role elevated him quickly to being considered for A-list roles but since that

Not sure why this was picked up by PBS as it was poorly reviewed and a ratings squib in the UK. Tennant provides his usual mixture of boggled eyed staring and manly tears by way of acting, the much classier and talented due of Sophie Okonedo and Ashley Jensen appear faintly embarrassed by their lines with only Toby