Maybe it’s just not your kind of humor. I don’t know his personality outside of his twitch streaming, but I kinda get his persona.
Maybe it’s just not your kind of humor. I don’t know his personality outside of his twitch streaming, but I kinda get his persona.
Just play around with it. Maybe read some basic tuts (not my kind of thing). I pretty much learned most of it by playing with friends. It takes time but the best thing I guess is to tackle whole game bit by bit. I don’t think it’s so much complex, it’s just that there is lot of stuff going on for people that are just…
+1 Pretty much agree with this as a white person, who does not give a shit about racism, since from my perspective it’s just pile of crap. Not because it’s not hapenning, it is certainly problematic that there are people who have needs to trashtalk others because of color of their skin. What I mean is subject as a…
Ha. I almost missed this. Thank you. I guess I will have to give it another try then. :)
5:08, Ok I am sold
RIP Faze. Where is Optic?
Well, I guess you have a point. Still, Genji or Widowmaker, even Pharah seems much more interesting to me. Or even Reaper, shooting people in the as*. But I guess that’s just personal preference.
I’m still trying to cope with D.VA. Still do not understand how someone love her so much. Fun to play? Dunno, her ultimate is not so awesome. Everything else is kinda meh, on borders with almost “annoying”.
I am still very hesitant about ESO. I tried it few months back, was quiet pleasant surprise how it developed after all these patches.
Lol. Do some research first mate. Photo studies are common in art field, with one simple purpose, to learn something from it (colors, values, composition, whatever).
Played beta and I liked it. World is really huge, graphics are nice, combat feels good.
While combat and movement is very fluid and enjoyable, I will have to pass again on this game. Feels like I am playing TERA with some more developed mechanics, which is not enough for me to keep me interested.