
dude, whatever. insert whatever blockbuster flop you want in there.

so dumb.

i only saw the first one, and refused to go see any others because it was so rock stupid. i can't believe they got even worse than that piece of garbage.

i hate to admit it, because i really liked The Matrix when it came out, but you are right — the whole thing is the worst kind of utter nonsense. using human beings as "batteries" makes zero sense. it's like using a fleet of idling cars to store your gasoline, and maintaining an army of mechanics to keep all the cars

hated the sequel. the whole thing felt way too militarized and war-glorifying. i started to wonder if it was some kind of "support the troops" propaganda. yvon eht nioj.

it's Toontown, not Toonsville, you illiterate excuse for a film critic.

ah, i see. so the best way to avoid a nostalgia fest is to make it exactly the same as it was before.

that's a good point. Waterworld is a better movie than tens of thousands of low budget, direct to video, student, or amateur films, but the legend of its failure is magnified by expectation. you can't fail spectacularly unless someone somewhere sometime expected you to wildly succeed in the first place.

well, personally i had more fun playing Kool Aid Man than i did playing ET.

i'm glad you asked! there are definitely nuances. for example, if someone were to object to the fundamental concept of something, as laid out by its creator from the beginning, then it seems odd to me that this person would donate money to this creator's vision.

so basically i was right. go find something you like and pay attention to that instead.

yeah, it can't be understated how thoroughly shitty most Atari 2600 games were, with very few exceptions. the graphics barely qualify to even use that term. the amount of memory and computational horsepower were so meager that they could barely emulate the rules of a simple board game, and even then only with some

according to google, Castleton has 92% acceptance rate … it's practically a community college.

fun fact - you can buy CASTLETON t-shirts online from the director of Time Chasers. mine even came with an autographed VHS cover!

it's not going to be exactly the same. Joel says he wanted something new. that's why he didn't get any of the original cast to be the on-screen principals. if you're disappointed merely by the fact that the robots look a little different, then i predict you are going to hate all of this. just stick to your VHS

i still think of those things as depth charges from some ancient DOS game i played where you were a sub trying to sink a battle ship … or the other way around … i forget. but a Y with two lines through it is definitely a depth charge.

who are you, Andrew Sarris?

wait they're using the same songs from the cartoon version? just making it live action? what the heck is the point?

Is the part about Darth Maul sarcastic? All he did was stand around looking dour, twirl his laser staff around a bit, and get chopped in half. At no point do I remember thinking "wow this movie would be a piece of shit if it didn't have this one ineffectual goofy looking guy with no lines!"

Why would he ask questions of something his own mind created?