
it's not carnivores who are asking for better veggie burgers, man. the fundamental problem is people crave meat.

it wouldn't be like Steven to leave them floating in space, let alone leave them floating in space, then run them over in their own spaceship, then promise to pick them up, and then forget about that promise.

my daughter is 9 and we JUST watched Ghostbusters for the first time last week. she'd been quoting "there is no Dana only Zuul" and making me compliment on her lovely singing voice for days. her jaw dropped when she realized SU just made a reference she'd been making all week.

Ps go fuck yourself

Fuck the patriots and fuck you.

Brickskeller. Do they even serve pizza? Do they even exist anymore? I got so drunk there in 1998 I don't remember anything that's happened since. A few beers back someone said we have a black president now, that's awesome!

1) literally anywhere in America.
2) Chicago.

I don't know how you can argue with my region — we have Dominos AND Pizza Hut.

maybe in the future you'll think twice before defending racism, fuckface.

spare me your straw man "blacks and jews like it when you make fun of them" bullshit. keep apologizing for racism. keep railing against "political correctness" as a means of defending and excusing fucking racism you stupid dipshit.

Trump is a moron and a monster but abuse of technology in intelligence / security / criminal justice long predates his fucked up reign.

no. no, it's not just racist to people in your bullshit imaginary "PC movement". what feels condescending is your dismissal of and excuses for racism.

nah, no good reason to give racism a pass.

normal view.


is there something i can do to promote or accelerate the nuclear annihilation of the human race? please contact me if you can assist in this endeavor.

shut the fuck up that never happened.

Lies. NOBODY claimed CD-R's would last a century. Everyone knew their shelf life was 10 - 20 years. 10 years TOPS for early iterations.

This has been common knowledge forever. No admin was ever advised to use CDs or DVDs for long term storage. They decay and rust and generally break down with age.

i feel like whoever did this correction did not understand the tone of the original article? clearly it was always considered a "joke" but like the original article says, it's the kind of joke that indicates he's a complete fucking asshole.