People don't generally buy Razer's products for their classy design.
People don't generally buy Razer's products for their classy design.
Didn't Notch say awhile ago that he doesn't consider Mojang to be indie? It doesn't seem very "indie" when you can go into a target and buy a bunch of Minecraft crap. 50 million sales on half a dozen platforms. Mojang may not have had many employees, but they haven't been indie for awhile now. The problems they face…
Yep. Just turning up the graphics slider isn't "next gen" to me. Stuff like larger worlds, fewer loading screens, lots of physics, better AI. All that tends to get scrapped or gimped when they cater to low end systems.
Because when you have a budget the first things that are going to get cut are the things that only work on certain platforms. The game will be distilled down to the core features that work on both old-gen and current-gen. Certain upgrades are easy to make (hi-res textures), but others require more invasive support…
My companies stock is currently down quite a bit because we didn't meet investor expectations. Despite the fact that we made our own predictions and even exceeded them, all the investors had this crazy idea that we could do miracles are something.
Wasn't aware that anyone was paying to lock Civ V or Dota 2 to PC. Certain games don't work on consoles (or at least haven't been properly adapted yet). This is not the same thing as "exclusive" in this context.
They understand pretty well, they just aren't after the same goals. Their job is to advise companies on how to make the most amount of money possible in the shortest amount of time. They really don't care about sustainability or customer good will. Their only job is to make money for investors and investors don't like…
People got pretty heated during the Destiny Beta. Gamers are gamers no matter their hardware.
Is this really considered a secret? Perhaps other ISPs are more shady about it, but it's literally the first item listed on Comcast's Internet plans page:
Honestly I end up turning a lot of these features off when I'm actually playing. Stuff like depth of field can get really annoying when you're moving around and fighting things. And you lose quite a bit of the "wow factor" anyway when stuff is moving, especially people. No amount of animation mods will fix Bethesda's…
I for one am excited to move beyond the age of painted on or oddly stiff hair. While you may successfully argue that graphics have reached a level satisfactory for most, hair and cloth lag far behind almost every other aspect of graphics. It is really the last bastion of achieving truly amazing graphics IMO.
Seems a little too floaty still, but is vastly better than anything else I've seen so far.
Hmm... I actually don't think I've ever heard of "beta testing prices" before. Seems like a very strange move. I mean you test out a price point of $30 and then later change it to $15 and someones going to be pissed.
When you played the alpha, did you get to play with lots of people? Because I didn't and the world felt very empty and lonely. It did get me to preorder for beta access though, so I'm hoping to clarify my opinion of the game then.
I will say that I didn't "get" minecraft until I played with friends. Some people are the type that can make a single player world and have lots of fun building things that no one will ever see. I'm not that sort of person. I eventually found two other friends to play with me and we had a blast building a community…
Also they didn't get around to mentioning the fact that everyone is Arno until later. Which makes a big difference IMO. Horribly handled PR work on their part.
Wait... you rent it by the HOUR?? What is this, an Asian net cafe??
At first, I barely noticed any lag at all. I missed some of the quicktime events when being grabbed by a zombie in Riptide, but for the most part felt okay about it. Then I went to the PS3 version and that was when I really noticed a difference.
The rumor is that while you can up the FPS higher than 30, a lot of the games code relies on it being 30, so things will be... wonky. The example give was physics. No idea if it's true, but I think it's fair to caution people about preordering PC ports after the watch dogs fiasco. Some people may not feel like the…
It's pretty sure, but I find the use of a cursor annoying and somewhat ironic given that it's currently not coming out on PC. It was frustrating to use during the alpha, especially if you were quickly trying to switch primary weapons during a fight. (Why can't we cycle through those a bit quicker?)