The author needs to read this article. It might help him understand his discomfort and move beyond it:
The author needs to read this article. It might help him understand his discomfort and move beyond it:
Clearly, the author has some homophobia, or at the very least, has bought into some toxic masculinity attitudes about boys and affection with other men. The fact that this video creeps him out, is what I find really creepy. Get some help, man.
Clearly what he is saying is that this behavior doesn’t fit with how he lives the rest of his life - not that he can’t be racist. Yes, he used the term “semi-racist”, which is new one for me, but light years ahead of most white people. So, at the worst, he is “guilty” of not understanding that white people with black…
I have no doubt, there is sexism in setting salaries in the industry. But also, let’s factor in the years Lauer worked as the main host and the “brand” he had built for the network. Someone else, who doesn’t have an equally valuable “brand” is not going to walk in the door making the same salary. Also, there is…
Thank you for this article. I’ve already used the facts you reference to beat down the tired argument of “black-on-black crime” several times. Not gonna put up with it any longer without doing a white-people reality check!
I feel your pain. Let me just clarify, while white women certainly be and are racist, when it comes to violence including racial violence, the perps are most often white men. So, I’m all for restrictions on white men, where they can go, whether they need a chaperone, etc. Or, kick them all out of the country and let…
As a white woman doing ally-work, I’m going to pretend that your comment is genuine, although it is embedded in such a lack of understanding it is hard for me to believe your intent is not merely to ridicule the author and show your “superiority”. There are a number of problems with your comment, some that you…