
It’s definitely not getting enough use.

I keep waiting for trump to take to twitter and just simply tweet, “The Aristocrats!”.

I get a ray liotta from goodfellas vibe with a splash of Johnny Depp from fear and loathing. His facial expressions seriously remind me of somebody on uppers.

Would not surprise me at all, considering he allegedly only sleeps 3 to 5 hours every night.

I thought this same fucking thing. He is a belligerent fucking idiot. Like if it was possible for someone to love the idea of being an imbecile Don is the closest thing we have to it.

I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.

I am nipple clamp ready. Don’t you dare kink shame me.

Shit, the fusion kinja had me put this in the wrong spot.

His premise of fighting theocracy with theocracy is how world wars are started. These are the modern day fascist, the wolf in sheep’s clothing. They scream at the top of their lungs about “extremist” in Islam, while making extremist Christians. The hypocrisy is blinding.

When that moldy 2 month old orange Julius says,”wouldn’t it be great to get along with Russia?” He really meant he thinks you should be able to violate people’s civil rights.

There is exactly only one good thing to come out of this: the Alt right and your average fanatical trump supporter are at each others throats. If you haven’t seen it on twitter, you are seriously missing out, it is literally one of maybe 3 things that has made me happy in the last 3 months. See @prisonplanet or baked

To clarify, you’re joking right?

Man, it’s like 70 degrees here in Denver, spending my day playing video games...

You know quite a bit about this guy. Lol did you study cults?

I Would suggest he gets a fucking tie pin, but his ties are so long he would have to wear it at his belt buckle. There is literally no redeeming quality to this man. Absolutely nothing.

This would be one of the best missed connection post on Craigslist ever. 2 star crossed trolls. I should trade mark this.

Then, lol, I would ask her if she would want to split a lyft and get a real drink!

Soooo, this yesyes person is clearly a fucking piece of shit right? I don’t read Jez as much as I used to, but I know when somebody tells me to be sensitive to conservative feelings, I grab my genital stomping boots.

Yeah my eye might just pop out my skull the second they say pizzagate, or my eyes could roll out the back of my head when they say,”Russia is not evil.”

To be frank, I am curious how long I could keep a straight face while saying,”but Benghazi and Emails!”. Maybe 2 drinks.