God kill me.
God kill me.
If we are being frank, nobody else really wants her there either.
Divines brand of filth is way more pallatable.
Meghan’s whole schtick is literally trying to make eating dogshit pallatable. It’s as if her whole purpose in life is to be a talking space filler of word salad false equivalency.
I dont think you really *fail* at a porn career.
I mean, kentucky some how manages to have rand paul and mitch McConnell as senators, soooo probably a bit of both.
Michael avenatti has been a resistance grifter for a while and any body that has been following this with any due diligance should already be aware of that. He is a carnival Barker, a showman. Fuck this guy was trying to have an mma fight with don Jr. Which news flash, if he beat the dogshit out of junior absolutely…
It's incredible that you never called him a piece of shit once in the whole article.
The best part, is how they acted like the commercial break was because of the guest mix up, and not because they both needed to change there under garments.
“sure, let’s do mutalation.”
I had no idea we are on the fourth installment of the Expendables. It is in the same realm of “There are 8 fast and furious movies?!”
I got a BJ from my guild leaders ex girlfriend while I was in the middle of raid with my guild leader.
While I am certain this cost Hillary some votes, you still HAD TO BE A FUCKING MORON TO VOTE FOR TRUMP. I literally cannot take listening to all of Hillary’s missteps because DON IS ANTHONY WEINER.
I just thought I would pop my ugly head in here and just tell everybody that feels like nit picking at your opening comment they should all STFU. I am okay with publicly shaming these people, especially an Instagram influencer. And the people saying,”oh, but it’s such a small tab can also STFU. She could have been…
Yeah, it’s kinda just as I have feared all along. Sure the Trumps and company are despicable creatures, but the fact that so many people are okay with this should scare the shit out of all of us. I feel like we are 1932 Germany.
I do not live in a small town, and I started hooking up with this girl in highschool. We hit it off great. Then I introduced her to my mom, and as it turns out, she was my mom’s cousins daughter. I don’t know what relation that made us, but we just both kinda froze up, and just stopped talking to each other. People…
This is profoundly accurate.
Well, thanks for sharing.
That’s a pretty obvious no.
Influencers are the worst people on social media. I don’t understand the phenomenon of it, I hate the concept of it.