Also, he doesn’t link his tweets together, he could literally be having 2 separate thoughts. You don’t need to @ yourself when replying to your own tweet, which I don’t think he gets. He was compromised a very long time ago.
Also, he doesn’t link his tweets together, he could literally be having 2 separate thoughts. You don’t need to @ yourself when replying to your own tweet, which I don’t think he gets. He was compromised a very long time ago.
I own guns. Plural. But that is a different discussion altogether. PS I don’t own a pistol or a gun that could be considered an assault style weapon. I do enjoy hunting, or used to.
He is a fullblown lunatic. On twitter, Ashley Feinberg is doing a fantastic job of describing the space between the first tweet about Brennan’s statement and the second tweet. Something like 13 complete one thought. This would mean on average he spends like an hour and change crafting 5 tweets.
This, they always say the left is fragile and has no “balls”, and then when we mobilize and flex on them they cry like the little emasculated bitches they truly are. They want to call us leftist thugs, so be it. This liberal is ready for a fight.
Let’s start with hate crimes.
While the liberal in me 99% agrees with you, there is room in my heart for the occasional exception.
It’s crazy how so many parts of an ideology people can apply to themselves and over look the others for self serving purposes.
This comment is, something 2 months later.
This fucking guy thinks his life is like lethal weapons 4 5 and 6. Probably can toss 3 in there. Except murtagh was replaced by a gun.
I would like to start off by thanking Kinja and Pepe the frog memes.
I think it’s called facebook.
Yeah, I feel like my insufferable twat game couldn’t hold up against these try hard twats.
Yes then No And these lifestyle gurus need to be stopped. It is literally being paid to be yourself/an insufferable twat.
When you throw this stone bobby, hopefully you kill 2 out of the 3 people that want you to adopt their “healthfully” life style.
Strange fucking times these are.
The Israeli right might be more inflammatory and dangerous than Hamas. I am actually very curious why white supremacist are so supportive of Trump when he is so supportive of extremist in Israel. Somebody is leading somebody to the gallows, I just haven’t figured out who.
Yeah, she is ontop. Can’t blame her if she played the field till she was 50.
I think it wouldn’t be weird if I didn’t think him and rihana were getting married a month ago.
Yep, we are proper fucked.
There are not many things as infuriating as white outrage.