
Spoiler alert: these assholes are voting for Trump.

Lol thanks.

I to am voting for a third party candidate! And when my neighborhood bar runs out of Jameson I go into the parking lot and shoot Meth into my eyeballs!!

“Why does that sign have 2 layers of dog shit on it dad?!”.

I have thought about covering it in dog shit and putting it back up upfront of his house.

I wish my neighbor would knock on my door and ask if I took his sign. I really do.

Lol, I really can’t help myself.

You really can’t fix stupid.

My dad would agree with the grown persons name.

This image I hope has a longer shelf life than the election.

God the deplorable twitter handle thing makes me want to lose my fucking shit. As the mad king would say, burn them all.

I would pay good hard cash to be in the same room as him when hill curb stomps him on the seventh.

In a way exposing the deplorables to the light of the sun is the only way to kill them off. It’s like giving an open wound some fresh air.

I personally hope even after the election more and more shit keeps coming out about him. He doesn’t just deserve to lose, he deserves to have his life upended.

“Sir I would like to double down on your evil, hateful, moronic, rhetoric.”.

It’s like people are racing to tell you how fucking stupid they are.

Fox News is weird because it may or may not be considered mainstream media depending upon if there message is self serving for you.

I always find it funny that republicans hate the mainstream media because actual reporting and facts are so contrarian to their rhetoric. Then they get pissed off when it isn’t self serving them directly. American politics would would win the gold every 4 years in mental gymnastics.

Found on twitter.

She actually isn’t like completely stinking rich as you would think. I mean relatively speaking. I read somewhere she filed for bankruptcy atleast once.