I know we all talk about trumps hair, but what about Mike pence’s hair?! It literally reminds me of a chrome helmet.
I know we all talk about trumps hair, but what about Mike pence’s hair?! It literally reminds me of a chrome helmet.
To be certain every guy that works at fox also wears ankle socks with sandals, and whitey tighties. And of course they all knew. Zero chance bib Fortuna, or his pet space rat Steve douchey didn’t know what a predator Jabba was.
What are the odds of Leo and Tobey trying to figure out how to get the same chick pregnant at the same time to make an uber Oscar winning machine child?!
Wish somebody would of hit him in the back of his head with a brick.
Miller lite is as bad as the pop up.
Hm, Just some good Kinja.
My girl works for carrier here in Denver. They randomly drug test at her work while she fills out giant orders for heating and cooling systems to grow ops through out the state. Don’t make no sense.
Did you smell Peter King before you noticed it was him?
This reminds me of a discussion the lady and I had about Michael Jackson. She asked me,"Michael Jackson:Pop megastar or pedophile?!" To which I responded ,"Both, they aren't mutually exclusive."
Let me help everyone here out, and save you the leg work. Mary Dye can be reached at 360_786_7942.
Yeah, the whole article could have been void of any political indicators and you would immediatly know what political leanings this disgusting piece of shit has.
It is a quandry, when my sister was raped, she went so far as to go to trial, and the perp walked. My sister didn’t lie. She was 14. I see your point, just that part of me takes stoyas side. I am sure plenty of guys have raped someone, and not thought they did. He might not have even known he did.
I don’t wish him ill or anything, but brothel drug accidents are not really tragic.
So I worked for a company that had a contract to store and deliver the cookies to the different branches. They always overship by a very wide margin. We had 8 or 9 pallets of left over cookies, that we had to dispose of. I took almost a pallet to myself. Granted a bunch of the excess was your undesirables, key lime…
God!! Hannity is such a giant fucking asshole.
See for me, it doesn’t matter how many layers I add, I am still cold. It also probably has something to do with the fact I absolutely hate my feet being cold. Just can’t stand it.
Damn, you really should learn how to properly layer. I would much rather be taking clothes off than putting them on.
You just made a very compelling case for why school should be year round. Think about this when you are scrapping ice off your windshield or are wondering if the guy behind you is actually going to be able to stop on that sheet of ice.
The Boltons?!
There is no need to be wrong on top of wrong. Winter is obviously the worst.