
Well Tony, I am so looking forward to ignoring your comments in the future! Thanks for playing, now you can go back to having a seat in the back row. You are the highlighted discussion about how inappropriate rape gifs are, but you some how only think of how Tony won't get the attention Tony deserves because

So you comment to be noticed? Also nice dedication to your commitment to commenting by using the default pixilated avatar.

To be perfectly honest, Bo Pelini didn't know if he should act like he should feel bad for somebody that lost that day.

Yeah, I didn't really believe it either. Just too perfect of an ending, to the point of being unreal. Also nobody is that invested in taking a giant runny shit on a mother and her childs chest.

Oh, you're all good, I appreciate you not filing a defamation suit against me, but like I said this was considered common knowledge. It happens.

Ya know what I fucking can't for the freaking life of me, I swear I was born and raised in Omaha, and everyone I know still thinks this is true, I am amazed I am wrong, and I had a buddy who used to work in production for channel 7. I am wrong.

Not surprising honestly, one of the meteorologist got arrested in a prostitution sting a few years back, got fired by channel 3 and I think then hired by channel 5. Jim Flowers. He has an amazing mustache.

Sounds like she would take a ball to the mouth anytime for him.

Cameramans first word to his boss: "Shit."

She is trying so hard not to say,"Oh shit, he cooked that one!!"

You...just you...I don't even know what to say to your comments other than I hope I don't have a drink in my hand....+1

E Gads!! If he takes over fashion then, then, I mean the whole of the world will come tumbling down upon us all!!

I think they both should keep their jobs.

Are you fucking seriously sympathizing with a racist tirade?! Get the fuck out of here.

What would be the all-time all Expo team by position?! I know it has some talent...Randy, Pedro, The Hawk, thats just off the top of my head.

Hmm...So I can have a video with me saying I want to commit a hate crime and keep my job, but hand signals will get me fired, interesting.

I found they cleaned it up like vatican II cleaned up the catholic church. That is about the best analogy I can come up with. When I was recieving treatment for my own issues, I would have been disqualified for treatment at a few facilities based on my gaf score. That was 1999 though. I feel strongly about the

Thank you for the correction! Cheers!

That was my first guess. Calling being your personal mindset a disorder is plainly wrong. I think that all of the DSM, to be so subjective it's functionality is almost useless. It has labels, that have prescriptions. I am particularly harsh on GAF scores, and feel those attack the uneducated. Thank you for your

I for the much greater part have not commented on these issues as I am not educated enough to make a comment. I do have some questions and bare with me on some terminology.