
Roughly around the start of Grade 7, my prior group of girlfriends formed a hive mind and baby me was no longer welcome. Making the best of it, I made some new friends, including the boy who’d just moved to my town. New group and I have an okay time, lots of laughs, and new boy Taylor is funny. Great. Spring rolls

I’m fifteen and it’s the early nineties. I am goth and hanging out at the goth place with all the other goths. I walk into a coffee shop and see a girl I know who is always very dressed up but tonight she is wearing overalls and crying into her cafe latte—let’s call her Ava. I ask a mutual acquaintance if Ava is

8th Grade: I had recently moved to a “preppy” nightmare suburb in Texas from rural Pennsylvania, and my only other fast friends were also recent transplants. I quickly developed a close friendship with a tall charming nerd, and he asked me to the 8th grade dance. At the same time, my parents wouldn’t allow me to go on

In N Out and Wisconsin. 

One of my great aunts died and one was rendered sterile from back alley abortions. But that’s only half of the story—to great aunts were tied to abusive husbands because they were not allowed access to birth control and my great grandmother died a fairly brutal and painful death from complications of having her 14th

Don’t forget that if he had NO job, they’d be trashing him for that and telling him to go out and get some “honest work”. These media outlets will shame you no matter what you’re doing or how perfectly you’re doing it. 

It also ignores the fact that there was no need for ANY hug!

He is probably used to getting away with behaving like that because of his role within his church. People probably don’t DARE question his behavior. She is young and attractive, and much smaller than he is physically - he thought he had a right to put hands on her.

Oh, so the catsuit isn’t feminine enough? How bout a motherfucking BLACK SWAN TUTU??? SAY I’M NOT FEMININE AGAIN!

I feel like these guys are hoping for forgiveness (or maybe just... forget-ness?), but they’re skipping the steps where you really work to acknowledge, not minimize, the harm you did, AND you take steps to make things right. Forgiveness shouldn’t automatically happen because time passes, and victims don’t owe it to

They come in illegally from Indiana, you fucking putz. Go unfasten your lips from Sarah Huckabee’s lowest hanging teat.

This was very good, but hard to read from an emotional standpoint. My daughter was in and out of residential treatment centers for almost three years in her mid-teens, including involuntary treatment for almost nine months at an isolated, out of state facility with family visits allowed only every two months. It had a

This is Ollie, he’s 14. He was living at the homeless hostel I used to live at and moved with me when I moved into my own place, love him to pieces. 

Patti is over here just trying to make pies for Walmart and now Fox is trying to say she’s dead. Rude.

This is why mandatory state inspections every couple of years are good. I used to live in a state that had no inspections. Not a day went by when I didn’t see a car on the highway that was clearly unsafe, and most usually also being driven at an unsafe speed or in an unsafe manner.

When I was kid, I asked for golf lessons even though I hate golf, and told my dad it was because that’s where a lot of business is conducted, so I’d need to be able to play when I someday became a professional. His response was, “It doesn’t matter if you know how to play golf. Men will not invite you to play with them.

OMG the real meeting versus the fake meeting. This shit happened to me all the time on Capitol Hill.

I read this earlier and when I got to the very bottom I admit there was a sharp intake of breath followed closely by a “yesssssss.” So awesome for Ms. Hope.

Roman Farrow has indeed been doing some great work, which I’m sure makes his family incredibly proud of him, particularly as it both implicitly and explicitly honors his sister’s truth. But when we talk about the media’s watershed moment against high-powered sexual predators, let’s please make an effort to always

God, if this isn’t true. I remember a message board friend making an offhand comment about once delivery is over, the entire focus is on the baby.