
Not to mention gutting the Supercharger team right on the cusp of a massive expansion opportunity. The charging network is the reason Tesla was so successful with early adopters, and is one area where the company still really shines.  Muskrat finally convinces other automakers to use his charging standard, people in

Too bad that nicotine addicts only care about their next fix. I’ve seen several neighbors evicted because they just couldn’t walk the 2 minutes off property to smoke. Covid was the best way to cull that part of the herd.

Yep, people are getting more dickish on planes because there’s hardly ever consequences.  A few stories about those dicks being banned from flying and having to pay tens of thousands in fines will put a hard stop to the problem pretty fast.

I always found it a little funny that vapers just expect that they can vape anywhere they want.  Like I can’t talk since I smoke, but I tried vaping for a while and even then I still never wanted/tried to do it somewhere you couldn’t smoke.

I don’t think he gives a shit about the sell-off being a brave move. He’s seen the writing on the wall and is abandoning ship before everyone else does.

Thanks for the daily reminder of how much Amazon sucks and U should avoid buying anything from it at all costs.

Suzuki Samurai/Jimny

You could be right, I haven’t driven in that area before, though I have through socal before. But being from Texas, if you are driving out into west Texas depending on where you are you NEVER let yourself get below a half tank, from googling the area where this gas station is 100% same rule would apply.

I was 100% going to say the same thing. That’s just poor planning if you end up needing to stop there. If you are heading in to that general area and DON’T stop to fill up, in say Barstow, you are just dumb.

Its the same situation at the Needles outpost

Supply and demand, baby. Same price structure on cruise ships and movie theaters. And in defense of the gas station, a little pre-planning with fueling up before driving into the desert and traveling with plenty of water is simple common sense. 

A family friend of mine for over 60 years, whose car only seems to turn right anymore, called me one day about something and he says, thinking it’s some really smart observation, “How come Obama didn’t do so and so about Covid?”. He wanted to hang up when I gave him the bulletin that Obama wasn’t president when Covid

When I was a kid they were more about small government and thought libertarianism was about minding your own business. Reagan gave the religious right a toe hold that they didn’t have within the party prior to the 80's. That began the process of party degradation. Eventually they abandoned their previous principals

Ah yes, I remember when Trump went to that Carrier plant and saved all the jobs from going to Mexico........... but it happened anyway.   Or the time he went to the big Foxconn factory announcement to to bring jerbs to that area............... that never happened.  There is a deal no just announce dby Biden to fill

He’s the poster child for a closeted homosexual.

Remember when Republicans had a platform other than women in the kitchen and hatred toward 55% of Americans.

Yes, there’s the Repub tactics with the Dems—no matter how stupid the attack is, no matter how nonsensical it is given no cause-and-effect relationship, go ahead and blame the Dems anyway. See what sticks.

I wish Courtney Loveseat would shut the hell up. Scary to think he could be a heartbeat away from the big boy chair if everything goes belly up in November.

Their frantic search for a line of attack that is hard hitting but short and simple enough for their operatives on Fox and other GOP channels to repeat gets funnier as they get weirder.

Why are you attacking my aunt? J/K