
It really shouldn’t be hard to flip a Land Cruiser in today’s world.

It was fun to watch, but the real news here is Kyle Larson flying in real quick and making the fast six despite never having raced an Indy car.

Orange juice, kiwi juice, and vodka.

Depending on its timeline and price point, this would be pretty well-placed against the Volkswagen ID Buzz

It’s truly satisfying to see someone who is such a piece of shit getting caught redhanded after so righteously claiming their innocence. 

“I’m sorry officer, I was on my way to Assholeville in the republican of Dumbfuckistan and wasn’t aware that the concept of “laws” applied to me.”

I’d love to see them band together and attempt their own utopian paradise of libertarianism and anarchy. Let’s give ‘em Oklahoma, then put an enormous fence around it.

With regards the kissing - if people say it was inappropriate, I’ll believe them.

Relatively speaking what’s the issue?

Looks pretty good! Obviously needs some personality with some new paint and different furnishings (this is clearly staged up) but otherwise not bad for pricey city living.

Absolutely doable. This looks like an extremely well laid out home that is very efficient in how it uses space. I’ve lived in similar square footage apartments that use space way more inefficiently so this would have been a major upgrade.

People live on narrow boats and they are 6ft wide and 50ft long and dont have a second story. This is completely doable. not for half a mil but it is completely doable. 

There is a thing called paint.  I believe most hardware stores carry it now.  Might want to look into it.

compared to some of the tiny japanese apts I’ve seen on youtube, this place is a gd palace

Multiple three hour films??? Why is everything Costner makes so looooong...

The most common way I’ve seen for lay offs is the issuing of a new org chart.

The whole series was pretty much perfect as is, but I’d happily spend more time with those characters. 

Blackthorne: Do you want to repeat the failures of Game of Thrones like a madman?!?!

“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.

Came to say the same...
