
You know, when I bought my Volvo, the first thing I considered was how to safely handle entry and exit from the vehicle in a new and specific way to avoid personal injury. I just assumed everyone had the same thought process. *eyeroll*

It saddens me that there is acorrect opening procedure” for the doors.

(“The blood is on your hands, Biden, we can see it all/And fuck no, I’m not votin’ for you in the fall/Undecided.”)

It also has the theme song of the show the movie seems to have forgotten until the end credits and the mid credit scene.

So for only the price of ~7 baltimore bridges, we get a plane that will keep a dozen or so rich and powerful people alive for a few hours longer than the rest of us proles. Will they land on a bomb-proof runway outside of vault 114?

I’ll note again that Blackberry is easily the best of these product biopic movies, simply for having the guts to not just end at the high point of the product’s success but instead go all the way to the point where it irreparably ended. The final visual metaphor for the company hitting rock bottom, which has been

What’s going to happen when Jim Gaffigan and Andy Richter finally meet in the middle after a long decade of slowly morphing into each other?

Who am I supposed to feel for in this situation?
Cheaters getting scammed?
Family members of Cheaters getting scammed?
Scammers who aren’t getting paid?

Every time I read of Elon wanting “hard core” people at his companies, I get the feeling it’s code talk for “I want groveling slaves putting in 25 hours a day/8 days a week” for me.  Anyone who goes to work at an Elon company must be a masochist.

The scary thing is that he actually thinks that way.  When he took over Twitter, one of his first cost-saving measures was to simply stop paying rent on all the company’s office spaces.

He can do it all himself! He doesn’t need anyone to help him. That way he can really earn that $56B he keeps asking for.

If I lay off everyone, I won’t have to pay any salaries at all.

Ha! Let’s kneecap the one thing (Superchargers) that set Tesla apart from anyone else at this point. 

A month to month membership that is easy to cancel is not a good example to use. Now, if you mention gyms that sign you for a year long membership with monthly payments - this is a better example. 

Exactly my take, it’s so much easier to cancel a streaming service than go through the hassle of getting a new card. I cancel/renew mine frequently depending on when shows I actually want to watch drop.

Get an account with you can use a series of virtual credit cards to sign up for things, and turn them off with a click. Nothing follows you. 

If it’s already jumped to cows and dolphins, it’s only a matter of time until it makes the jump to humans, but at least, if the pandemic taught us anything, we’ll react to the coming bird flu pandemic in the most ignorant, uneducated, anti-science, and blindly politicized way possible, so there’s that.

This is what happens to civilizations that legalize hallucinogenic drugs.

Joke’s on them.  My fingerprint unlock never works right anyways. 

Ha ha! Jokes on them, I have the biometrics for my phone tied to the third toe of my left foot!