I hate interviews with random celebrities during a sporting event. If Brundle ignored them all I would be happy. Now, if they would only stop these type of interviews during the tennis match at the US Open.
I hate interviews with random celebrities during a sporting event. If Brundle ignored them all I would be happy. Now, if they would only stop these type of interviews during the tennis match at the US Open.
I realize that the Asians were repped for free by organizations that were really trying to restrict black/Hispanic students. But really, getting rid of legacy would open a ton more spots for Asians. It would be funny to see the court have to uphold that.
I remember many years ago having to show an older couple from Oregon how the gas pump worked in California.
Tire gauge, Kleenex, water.
I ended up being the designated obit writer for my MIL and FIL. If the Chat GP stuff was around then, I would have used it for the basic template.
Yes, it was a piece of paper with the passenger name and their weight next to it. We got on the scale in the office and I assume they printed it out based on that. Then the pilot checked to make sure each person was in the seat that was assigned to them.
I was sitting directly behind the pilot and could see the read out of passenger’s weight. My spouse had put on some weight that year and when I asked them to guess the weight, they were low by 20 lbs. A new eating plan and exercise routine soon followed.
So you know my Nephew?
What the F is wrong with people? Is this hate what makes their life meaningful?
When my brother moved to Denver in the 70s I remember that his apartment balcony always had a set of tires on it. He changed them every winter season.
A misspelling of Nyiasha, might be Niesha. Not what they wrote. Nice try.
I feel sorry for them, but did they care about Flint? So many in the this country have gone away from thinking about the common good. “Others” problems don’t matter until it hits home. Screw the paid for politicians who did the shipping companies bidding.
In the 80's our office in Japan, everyone worked long hours. I discovered that if you worked late, the company bought dinner. Food is expensive in Tokyo so this was a perk and everyone just stretched out the work day to make it happen.
So you know my BIL and his family?
No horsies?
If there was a micro van for sale in the US, I would replace my 2012 Scion XB.
I actually owned one of the self exploding Pintos.
The wife and kids are alive, I would expect they told the police that he intentionally drove them off the cliff.
I worked with a guy who grew up in N. Dakota and he told me about the winter survival gear that everyone carried in their car. Made a lot of sense.
Maybe 40 yrs ago (yes I’m old). Flying from John Wayne to Denver for Xmas. Big storm in Colorado. Sat on the plane in O.C. for hours, then they let us off for a while, then reloaded us. When we got to Denver we couldn’t land because only one runway was open & a plane was sitting there. We circled for an hour & Captain…