Paging the Earth Liberation Front .
Paging the Earth Liberation Front .
I hope the Green Party voters are happy. I hope all the young people who didn’t vote are happy.
Well said.
Mao always said that he didn’t worry about nuclear war because more Chinese would survive than any other people.
“My right wing “friends” who voted for Trump (but aren’t bigots!™)“
In the late 70's I got a degree in Asian Studies and then spent a year in Taiwan. Maybe I should dust of my diploma and see if I can get a job.
Papa can you hear me?
Good, maybe t hat would freak out people enough to stop it.
I’m old but not old enough for Medicare. It costs me over $1000 per month for insurance.
Bless you for what you’ve done. Its too bad that many people don’t want to do good works and just rely on belief that their fantasy sky god will take care of them no matter how much hate is in their hearts.
The more contempt she shows for Hillary the more crazy the lock her up people will get.
My grandfather told me of the cossacks slaughtering the jews in his village. That’s when he fled to America.
If you ever feel like spending 9 hours watching Shoah you see some up close Polish hatred of jews. 30 years later I still remember one scene where a teenager said she was happy that a neighbor was taken away because she was pretty and the boys liked her.
I’ve been calling the in-laws assholes, but simpletons is probably more accurate. Of course you have to overlook the racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, religious bigotry, to get to the general stupidity, but.....
You could be talking about my dumb bunny nephew. He is barely making any money but goes out of his way to say “I know guy X, who has an expensive boat, or guy Y who has a big house”. He seems to think that makes them great people to be emulated. He never talks about any good deeds or charity as being something he…
That’s my birthday and the only present I want can only be given by the Electoral College.
Just yesterday I said to a guy who works in a local restaurant and had grown a big bushy black beard, “You look like Fidel Castro”. Now Castro is dead. I need to look for someone who looks like you know who.
I donated to Foster last week and Jill 2 days ago.
Honey, you’re going to be referring to Dunning-Kruger for the next 4 years.