
I gain more and more respect for Stoya every time I read something by or about her. Her writings for Vice are well worth reading.

The Daily Beast reports Swanson thinks God is angry at America for allowing same-sex marriage and suggests the events at the Bataclan are a sign of his wrath.

Iowa City was the first municipality to offer same-sex benefits to gay couples, starting more than four decades ago. But you get on with your bad self and your terrible analysis of events.

sorry-not-sorry, but any man who rapes me is giving me permission to do whatever i like with his wang, including chopping it off and tossing it out the nearest window. don’t like the thought, then don’t rape. easy to avoid.

Just to be clear here: Mr. Hamm, who was not convicted of a crime, went to visit his partner (also his legal right). Mr. Hamm’s (again, and this cannot be overstated) legally allowed and perfectly reasonable affection with his partner lead to the guard’s physically assaulting Mr. Hamm to the point of hospitalization?

As a former Virginian, I agree Virginia sucks. I never realized how bad it sucks until I moved to Iowa. Even without the beach, and no really big cities, Iowa wins over Virginia big time. I go back to visit relatives and am so glad I don’t have to live there anymore.

“...murdered for refusing to have sex with Ferreira at a party.”

How about a Woman’s Empowerment Seminar provide childcare for attendees? Compassion is great, add to that meaningful support systems and it’s even better.

Thanks. I personally was always far more bothered by obnoxious drunks on planes than little babies. Or very badly behaved 5 years old.

Did you not read the article? That is exactly what the author did, bring a helper along to look after the infant while she was speaking or otherwise occupied.

I have spoken at a large conference with my baby in a wrap. He slept most of the morning and you wouldn’t have known he was there except for all the people saying how lovely it was having him there.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. I’ll take my baby wherever the fuck I want. You’re not a feminist. You’re a close-minded advocated for single childless women. Fuck you.

But what about your sleeping infant? Most babies really aren’t constantly crying. It sounds like this woman has and had adequate childcare ready for both this conference and her teaching.

I agree. Nobody is less charmed by children than me, but I am even less charmed (negative charmed!) by those people who pretend it’s a reasonable worldview to insist that children should be kept in their homes and away from polite society until they’re 17 and 4 months.

The irony of this situation is that soooo many women, including myself, have said something similar to coddle the feelings of some hoser and avoid possible violence. Most women know this feeling. You hedge your bets, coddle, try to stay safe. It’s a lifestyle, really.

Usually, when a woman says “if you were younger...” it is an attempt to flatter an older man while at the same time saying loud and clear that he is *far* too old for her to consider dating.

Person trying to politely let someone down: Yeah! I’d totally be interested in you in an alternative scenario that could literally never happen!

When your primary audience is “people in the waiting room of a doctor’s office,” the last thing you should do is piss off a bunch of nurses.

So can the View die now? Please?