
You don't always know if they are around though. If you have teenagers visiting, or there are older kids playing somewhere that younger kids play, you just can't always know what kind of small toys they have. I can see a kid coming home from college and visiting family and bringing something like this back to play

Yeah, but some parents are not quite up to standards and don't watch their kids all the time. It sucks for everyone else, but at the same time, we know some people don't watch kids very closely, and we know these little balls look EXACTLY like a candy on the market, and we know they extremely dangerous to swallow. I

It is actually the best practice for sheep to keep them in smaller pens and rotate them to new areas very frequently. They still have room to run around, but they always get very fresh new grass that has not been pooped on, and it lowers the exposure to parasites. If you give them access to the whole pasture at once,

My toddler would love this.

I find vinegar works very well used this way, and you don't have to waste a lemon. Lemons are kind of expensive where I live.

You still find dot matrix printers all around airports. I know this having just spent way too much time stuck in one.

Yep, apparently we are one of only three Cosctos with indoor parking. They renovated an old appliance factory for the store, and had so much room left over in the building they made it parking. It is super sweet in the middle of winter.

Their bagels are just terrible. Just about everything else is awesome.

Well my toddler loves Costco, and ours has indoor parking (nice in the winter) so we go about once a week.

They are real.

Bath time is like my break time when I am with my two year old. Put her in, fill it up with toys, and she is set to auto-play while I chill out close by with a glass of wine and my phone. I have to bargain with her to get her out.

Does anyone else think R Patz looks totally, totally, baked in every picture?

I hate this format so much. It feels like it is screaming at me. There is not way to avoid pics that might not be appropriate for work, since it is just this stupid infinite scrolling format.

There is a 50% chance I will put a run in pantyhose when putting them on. I like tights, but pantyhose hate me.

So do you think that in these reviews of "Will It Baby" cars, you guys could please show kids properly buckled into a car seat? That kid is totally dead if the car is in a collision with him so poorly strapped in as in the pictures. I know he was probably just set in the seat for the photo shoot, but you know, it is

I am American and I don't understand the obsession either. I do have a theory that the reason the ABC television network covers them so much, is because ABC is owned by Disney, and Disney wants us thinking about princesses all the time.

I think it sounds yummy, but croutons, being simple carbs covered in fat and salt, then crushed up with more oil to make a cone that holds, what, 3/4 cup of salad, really are not healthy.

This is just great so far.

I also loved it. I actually cried a little it was so perfect.

Is that cream cheese frosted toast??