Green Monkie

Because our National Politics have become more like a National Lampoon.

I remember wanting this, not for the console, but that sweet keyboard and Mouse lap-board. There was a Kickstarter campaign a few years ago for just that after it was apparent we’d never get one with a Phantom. It never met the funding goal. Also, didn’t the owners of Infinium Labs turn out to have mob ties and the

If I can’t run around like a lunatic as gaming’s favorite pot-head, I will be very disappointed.

Thanks. I’m just happy it’s not pending approval like most of my past entries.

Fits right in with the classic fighters!

You beat me to it.

I also feel like a lot of potential contenders got screwed by the greys.

We should all be whipped for liking this.

Hello Kettle, meet Pot!

Exactly, and if the guy says he wants a carrot but only eats the bannannas, then we know why it’s going to rain on Wednesday.

Nope. If it turned out to be just simple fruit juice, like he claimed. How much money and time did we just waste to figure that out? That is the exact kind of government regulation thinking that makes every process an excruciating nightmare. Sure, maybe they could have given the liquid a “good ol’ sniff test” or

The only thing I see in this scenario.

Fifty Shades of BWAAAAAAHH!

I put it on Homer. Is that close enough?

For those who studied Greek mythology...

I will take personal responsibility for wanting this into existence.

It is bullshit. The story makes you assume they knew it was, without a doubt, meth and then forced him to drink it, knowing how bad it would screw him up. Also, chugging and sipping are two very different things. It doesn’t allow for the likely scenario of two experienced officers who know what the signs to look for

This is exactly the part of the article that destroyed her argument for me. I certainly don’t know of any education system (inside the US) that only teaches about white historical figures for 11-months without mention of any black historical figures. The way she describes only giving black representation for one month