Green Monkie

Wii Party U is a blast, but not a $60 one. I'm pretty sure Wind Waker HD was the only $60 game on that list. But yeah, MS's Games with Gold and Sony's Free4Plus programs are pretty awesome. And don't forget Nintendo's Ambassador program for the 3DS. I'd like to see that come back as an incentive for early adopters of

You'd almost never know.

This story seems a little...

And while they're at it, bring the other link cable specific games like Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles and Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure.

Bring back Pac-Man Vs. That game was awesome on the Gamecube but hardly anyone got to play it because it required the GBA-GC connect cable. This game is SCREAMING to be brought back for the WiiU gamepad!

I really want an HD version of F-Zero and Mario Kart 8 just made me want it even more.

Startropics needs to come back. Those games were awesome.

Fixed it.

Whoever E3 deems the winner, it will definitely deem LA Times the loser.

Apparently Pac-Man is a "returning" character in the new SSB. Damn, I thought I unlocked everything in Brawl.

This is why newspapers should be moving towards the full digital model. There's no quietly correcting this.

I have personally met a La-a who got unreasonably attitude-ish when her name was pronounced wrong off of a roster. He called out for Lahah questioningly and then tried Lahā in an attempt to correct himself. She quickly shouted out "It's LaDASHah," like he was the idiot who couldn't figure out the obvious. As someone

Often, the prettiest things are not the most attention grabbing things. Side by side, my eye is drawn to the overall brighter color of the piss-yellow moon. That was obviously the first decision made to make it stand out against all the other box-art on the shelves. They would have to change the color of the "2"

So basically, they remade Stanley and Stella: Breaking the Ice (an old computer animation demo from the 80's). I wish they would at least have skinned it in the original model styles… but maybe that'll be some DLC.

Imagine, DuckTales, Darkwing Duck and Howard the Duck can now coexist in the same universe.

Completely read that in Shake's voice.

Because that wouldn't be the least bit creepy.

The coins always had an expiration date of two years. The first "You have coins expiring" notice went out in 2011 since they didn't start actually doing the coin system until 2009, although the survey registrations started around 2004 or 2005. The survey expiration dates used to be a LOT longer (I still have a few

I would buy that Barbie... no matter how strangely the cute store clerk starts looking at me.