That's his Super Saiyen form.
Played this on a PC in a store demo.
Bought it for the Super Nintendo.
Learned there was a huge difference between PCs and consoles.
I actually just went back and played this a few weeks ago after finding the Killer App mod. I play my games on a 60" HDTV and the mod really helps to make the game shine by adding higher resolutions than the original and most importantly, a 16:9 mode. This game felt really close to the original TRON film and much…
Saw Dragon Con. Saw video still preview image. Thought DRAG-on Con. Then saw Prince of Persia clip. I am okay with this.
That's stupid. Babies don't know A.S.L.
Canadian squirrel tossing?
Snoop Lion - The NEW Lisa Frank.
So if everyone started Google Imaging hockey team names and clicked on one of these logos, how long until we see one mistakenly put up on a sports broadcast or hockey report?
I originally bought this game because of Link, so for me, it wouldn't be the same without him. Not that it isn't still a great game without him, it would just feel lacking in not having such a cheap character for people who suck at these games like me. And you have to admit that half the reason he was so fun to play…
What did they do to Zelda II? Also pretty sure I recognized Pac-Man in there. I think there were one or two other games they glitched up but I don't know what they were.
One can not lose what one never had.
Nope. *suckle, suckle*
All I see is Super Mario Galaxy in HD.
This came out on the Super Nintendo in a somewhat paired down version. Basically the same thing though.