Green Monkie

So they made a giant sexy/creepy Teddy Ruxpin?

This is a nice post and all Kotaku and I'm gonna let you finish, but Joystiq had the best post of all time!

If they did a Rockband: Pink Floyd Edition and had stuff similar to the dreamscapes in Rockband: The Beatles it would be great. There's already so much artwork and animation to cull from. Of course showing just some of the standard laser light shows would be cool too. I would love to see them tap Gerald Scarfe for art

So she likes to eat pu... you know what, I'm just going to stop right there. But the real question is, "Would you still make out with her if given the chance?" I don't think I could get over having cat hairs on the tongue.

I'm about to Connect Four Yahtzees and Scrabble your Battleship!

Certainly nothing from Doom 3... without the duct tape mod at least.

OOOOOooooohh... Well that makes a lot more sense. And all this time I just thought people were punching babies in the mouth and that's where all the teeth came from. I feel much better now.

All the stuff that was registered was made before the switch to Club Nintendo and that includes the Virtual console purchases that automatically go on there if you've linked your account. I've only done two of the surveys since it switched but I've already got a hundred coins so I should be able to get the Game &

I don't see what's so special about thi...wait, what's that on the box? Collector's Edition!? OMG, I must have this NOW!

What!? No Fatal1ty mouse bonfire?

I'm surprised no one caught on to this sooner. It's never been any big secret that Mr. Miyamoto draws direct inspiration from his immediate interests. I remember some of the earliest interviews talking about the Zelda series being directly inspired from exploring the woods and small caves near his home as a kid. He's