I remember that article. It's all sorts of fascinating, especially the part how she latched on to the guy who invented her special fancy cables. And the fake fat stuff. I might even have to read it again.
I remember that article. It's all sorts of fascinating, especially the part how she latched on to the guy who invented her special fancy cables. And the fake fat stuff. I might even have to read it again.
As someone from St. Louis, I can tell you this is 100% true (just flipped). Or was, back before people regularly drank craft beers.
I had to go to a gyno to get it done (not my GP, who usually does a annual and prescribed the pill) and I thought I was going in for a consult. Before I knew it, I was in stirrups and in the worst, most horrible cramping pain I've ever experienced. The guy completely pushed the Mirena. I went in there uncertain about…
I had ALL of those and worse. It literally made me nuts. Had it in for 5 months. I also couldn't remember conversations, read even a page-long blog post, and my eye would twitch. It pretty much ruined my life.
You know what? So do I.
It would have been much better had Divine Brown cameoed as the driver.
And since he clearly refuses to use a laptop or other word processing tool, he actually had to attend classes rather than just pop in Rosetta Stone.
He took over the sandwich job after Gwyneth Paltrow #2 got hit by the bus and decided to cut her hair and open her own PR firm. Because nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
So they are brother and sister yet Liam Neeson never mentions their other sibling who just happens to be the Prime Minister?
And while the Prime Minister does not appear to have a mobile, nor the ability to find out exactly where Natalie lives in a MI:6 database, assisted living facilities allow mentally-ill patients to have their own phones and/or call anyone at anytime. Hell, Prime Minister Hugh Grant even flies commercial, like the rest…
You know what other clown took up painting when he was forced to retire? John Wayne Gacy.
I have always wanted to run into Jon Hamm on the beach.
This was my fifth year. Every time, I take fewer and fewer photos.
No lanai, no dice.
But what if Colin Firth offered to be her conservator?
Two things one should NEVER do in Texas:
KFC Gravy has nothing on a McChicken sandwich! http://www.obviouswinner.com/obvwin/2013/6/…
Remember the rumors about her and Sheryl Crow? I have no idea why I do, but that, too, allegedly happened.
So Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Lopez, and Angelina Jolie all hate Gwynnie for reasons other than sharing a former fiancee/current husband?
I can't wait for next week when we hear Jennifer Aniston is going to be carrying Bragelina's next child.