ticketed? arrest this man!
ticketed? arrest this man!
oh my god i’ve never cleaned a toilet in europe im so embarassed.... how uncultured of me
what the fuck is a toilet duck
will there be a study guide for the quiz
bandana snubbed and ZUU snubbed
garbage beer other than their sours
shit NuNus was the one I was trying to think of!! Could only remember heberts, but my folks in lafayette fux wit nunus
I will take a bunch of boudin and some stuffed pork chops from Heberts please
things have been a shit show ever since they bought virgin. but alaskan residents sing their praises because they typically take pretty good care of us.
my wife is near or at six figures and doesnt think she should spend more than $2000 on a car, all because when we were broke i made it work getting us by on beaters. i am my own demise.
i just paid way more money than i care to admit installing a gas line (well, propane) into my house so that I could cook on gas instead of electric. money well spent.
I dont understand what the temperature outside has to do with what you’re cooking with inside
i saw the fuel light come on while flying in a helicopter one time
what region? i grew up in VA and always used it like that
use mine every day in my 97 subaru impreza. for some reason, when its colder than about 20F, it keeps trying to turn the tape over though
I’m in this boat. Very happy with my breadmaking, very unsatisfied with my pizza endeavors.
If it looks remotely like this it will be a huge huge seller, no doubt.
my first homebrew did this while i was away. my wife got quite a scare in the middle of the night when they started exploding. Luckily, for some reason I had put them all inside a cooler.
also you stole my last name
Well, working on a military base. I suppose she COULD bring a sandwich and eat it at the table with everyone else in burger king, but thats pretty strange behavior.