
often simultaneously

much to my mothers delight, buttery noodles with shaker parm was one of my favorite meals as a child

why do you call this an enormous fish

ok but he grew up in north pole alaska.  i live just down the road - trust me, its a good haircut (for north pole) and joe balash is a good, upstanding citizen who cares about the needs of others (for north pole).  talk about your shithole countries - looking at you, north pole.

for me, the depression comes first.  then the fast food

hate that fucking beer.  but all day ipa is definitely my favorite “drinking beer”.  and backwoods bastard nicely satiates my bourbon barrel aged appetites when little else is available

as a pot smoking hunter who works in grizzly bear country, i’m not sure a whole lot of states would grant me a license for a deer rifle, let alone handgun. I know I’m a limited use case, and I’m not anti gun-control. I just haven’t heard the right idea yet.

Occasionally I work on the oilfields on alaskas north slope - the mess halls in the man camps constantly blare fox news, and when you turn the TV on in your room it always defaults to fox.

my very first time brewing my own beer, i made a miscalculation in my priming sugar.  I was gone on a work trip and apparently they started exploding at 2am while my wife slept in the room next door.  Luckily they were inside a cooler so the mess was contained, but I still haven’t lived that one down..

we’ve also floated the idea of buying greenland at least twice before

hes been on a mining and resource extraction kick lately, and greenland sits on VAST mineral maybe that?

FOUR FUCKING TEEN?? I lived through the original formula, no thanks.

i love seeing people bring their big expedition rigs up to alaska - we’re talking decked out land cruisers, unimogs, things like that - to drive our gravel highways.  love passing them in a little subaru

why the fuck are cops still on horses anyway

anchorage brewing did a collab beer with tired hands with lupulin powder, named it lines, and posted a photo on instagram of lines of the stuff cut similar to how other powders get cut up for consumption of the nasal variety...

that may be true, i’ve not read much about his experience, but i’m a hydrologist by profession with first-hand knowledge of this particular river system and northern rivers in general.  just stating that, especially with a low snow winter and drought conditions this summer, it is not crazy to think you’d be able to

trying to diagnose my 97 subi ej22 with bucking/idle issue!!

If someone got into a car accident on the way to the hospital where a loved one died, would you still be “paging charles darwin?”

in the past few years every window has been broken out of it, and everything inside dragged out and burned. its sad that a usable backcountry shelter in a convenient location met this fate.

Yknow, theres another big story out of Alaska right now: our trump-wannabe governor and a minority of hostile legislators are holding the state hostage with a manufactured budget crisis, reducing services to native and rural residents, seniors, and is overtly trying to stifle important climate change research by