
There isn’t a doubt in my mind that Brad Pitt’s characterization is 100% accurate. Angelina’s entire life has been about tightly controlling her image (even when it was to intentionally appear “crazy.”) Losing control of this narrative is killing her.

Jerry O’Connell shot a series north of Toronto last year and I had several friends working on it. They all said he was the nicest, most down to earth sweetheart of a guy.

Did Angie not realize if Brad had been paying support he’d have the back up documents? Which apparently he has.

The point isn’t always to jerk off to them?

Nice to see that people are finally catching up to us rational people who didn’t have time for Kim Kardashian 10+ years ago.

So...are we done with the Kardashian worship around here? They’re bullshit and any pseudo female empowerment they sell is bullshit and privilege gift wrapped with internalized misogyny and cultural appropriation.

“I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies,” Moretz wrote.”

Of course we know who Kaylie is Kim!

“I’m going to send [my KKW fragrance] to my lovers, to my haters, to everyone that I think of,

I would be more sympathetic to Grimes’s arguments if they weren’t an explicit admission of pay to play politics by an oligarch.

Okay, whatever.

The looks on some of their faces and the intensity in which they clapped, suggests to me that, at least in the case of the handful of fans I looked at, they were proud of him for saying racist shit and being “one of them.”

Yeah now I’m confused. I heard this term, “Trump Derangement Syndrome” in passing and I automatically assumed it referred to people who blindly support Trump... Doesn’t it make more sense that way? 

No matter what evidence the brainwashed are confronted with, they will never accept they’ve been easy marks of an obvious conman. 

The man committed open treason every fucking day this week. Why are they still defending him? What are they doing?!

Yeah, that’s a pretty common abuse tactic, do something terrible to someone and tell them they’re “over-reacting” when they get pissed about it.

Cult members are always the ones who have it all figured out. Everyone else is crazy.

That TDS bullshit is more gaslighting! Like we’re not seeing, hearing, reading, breathing his bullshzt daily, hourly??!! They can fuck off with that TDS shzt!

Her, now ex, husband also embezzled a shit ton of money which she not only knew about but used to fund her political career and then do some massive and unnecessary remodels to her office. I urge people to look up some of the articles from her divorce.

This is really it in a nutshell.