
I’m so sorry this happened, and so glad you’re doing what you can to reclaim your body. I’ve got terrible eczema but not herpes, and I can’t imagine having them both together. 

We are truly through the looking glass. These women are complaining to the people they’ve built their lives on oppressing that those they’ve oppressed haven’t welcomed them in a warm enough embrace. With a straight fucking face.

I agree that she put it badly. That said, every time I attend a school event and see fathers in their late 70s on family #3 with the latest younger wife, I think about how that situation is available exclusively to men and facilitated by ED drugs and can’t help feeling that it IS a bit unfair.

I didn’t include the gas & electric, food (a conservative $100 weekly), Uber, or, the big ticket item - health insurance. Even without the health insurance cost, she would still require at least another $10,000 of salary. As she works only 29.9 hours per week, she is part-time and wouldn’t be on a company plan. So her

Thanks for this. The irony that an internet comment could produce a much more realistic portrait of her finances than the diary entry that provided the info to do so is probably the clearest indication that they failed in their mission

Just crunching the numbers, this woman has a gross income of at least $82,500.

I wish fanny packs didn't look so stupid, they are so practical.

Not gonna lie, I would buy and wear these out in public if they’re as comfortable as the crocs I only dare to wear around the house. At some point in life you have to decide whether you want to look glamorous and limp home with half your errands done or look okay and stay on your feet until everything is crossed off

Am I the only person who struggles with cultural appropriation uproar? I thought different cultures mixing and borrowing from each other was the point of living in a diverse society. Is it reasonable to assume that people of different cultures living together would wall off the ability of their culture being used by

A forger working for CVS accuses a woman of being a forger.

Funny how Billy Bush is getting way more severe consequences than the guy who actually said "grab them by the pussy"

There is no good place to post this but I kind of need to. I lost my heart dog today, most likely to cancer. He was still kind of himself, but he had stopped eating and we couldn’t keep putting him through different ways to support him and get him to eat while he starved to death. Both my husband and I got to be home

“When you’re young, you don’t question. When you’re young, you’re like, ‘I gotta be tough. I gotta be, like, down to really perform, and if that means they need me to go this extra mile [I will]…’ People take advantage of that. People have always taken advantage of that.”

Yeah, this is completely and terrifyingly politically motivated. She’s experienced at this and would know the the preposterous laws governing this state-to-state. The fact that three cops were there is a neon sign with letters twenty feet tall that reads “setup”

This is some real third world authoritarian shit and yet another bad sign of where this country is headed. Also, if you didn’t know whose side American law enforcement is on, now you know.

Not only was she born into wealth, she was born to someone who was an incredibly successful businesswoman, with parents and siblings with a shit ton of connections to the business, fashion, and beauty world. Literally everything she needed in order to make her business a success, she had. What would be incredible

Isn’t it funny how Step #1 in all of these success stories is to be born to wealthy parents? You’d almost think that was an advantage or something. 

The idea that this girl is “self-made” is insulting. Fuck that.

I get it, her mother is hurt and angry about the allegations, the possible tarnishing of reputations- so forth and so on.  That said, mothers are probably the least reliable biographers of their children.  I don't really understand the point of this film, but her mother not supporting it is hardly a negative to me 

One of the reasons the book was so powerful is because every crime against women was something that had already happened in history. (That’s why I get super annoyed at people like my brother who say, “That would never happen,” because it has!)