
THAT is the deal with Kate and the coats? I always assumed it was just, “Look at all the pretty coats I own.” It’s 2018, no one is going to think a married mother of three is a whore for taking off her fucking coat. I hope when the Queen dies, so too will that assery.

Really... is that the message we’re gonna send out to our young girls... that teenage pregnancy is something “cool” and “exciting”to aspire to.

Take all the guns.

Infuriating. Reminds me of when the Milwaukee police actually handed a young, minority victim of Dahmer’s back to him when he had managed to escape. Dahmer, being white, was able to convince the cops that the hysterical, bleeding boy and he had just had a lovers quarrel.

I want to say I am impressed with Gretchen Carlson for reaching across the aisle, but I can’t help but think that this is ONLY because it happened to her as well. If she hadn’t been the victim of.... whatever she was the victim of, assuming there is more to it than the original lawsuit indicates (and let me be clear

I get where you’re coming from and if this was the first time that Cattrall said they weren’t really friends then I would totally understand SJP’s hurt and confusion...but this is not new information for anyone.

I don’t believe anyone who is close friends with Andy Cohen is a nice person.

I wonder if she thinks there’s more demand for another movie because she’s asked endlessly about it. I also wonder if she’s asked endlessly about it because that’s the most interesting to talk to her about.

I am/was a rabid fan of the show, and I do not want a SATC 3, because SATC 1 and 2 were absolutely ridiculous garbage movies.

“[I felt] just heartbroken. That whole week... I found it really upsetting. That’s not the way I recall our experience.”

SATC2 was widely panned. It has a 16% on Rotten Tomatoes. Why the fuck do people keep talking about a sequel??

Damn SJP plays that wolf is sheep’s clothing well! She spent years trashing, taking away money from and creating terrible storylines for Samantha and now she is heartbroken Kim Cattrell said they were never friends. I have to side-eye SJP to oblivion because her history of being with terrible men, being bff with this


Pfft. If this asshole was really interested in keeping this country safe, he would enact strict gun control laws. His idea that we’re under siege by some scary “other” is nonsense. The biggest threat to this country are a segment of its own citizenry.

Get out and Vote. Your vote counts. If anyone tells you that it doesn’t, slap them upside their head.

Everything that comes out of that mans mouth is a threat, and should be taken as such.

How to Not Die in America

On the second Tuesday in June, I start to feel fluish. If this is 2016 and I’m still a freelance writer, I’m losing

I see that Diane Keaton is taking the Lena Dunham approach to things.

How responsible are the fashion media? Seems like if Anna Wintour said that they would no longer publish photos, in advertisements or editorial pieces, of children (or of walking skeletons, for that matter) in Vogue then that could certainly change things. I imagine other publications would follow right along.

Fashion modeling is an industry where powerful and influential middle aged men hang out with teenage girls all day. What could possibly go wrong?