
I have all of those Xmen #1's including the fold out cover. MINT.

I’m not sorry about anything. I am a responsible firearm owner. With over 200 hours of training. I believe all firearms owners should be educated with their tools.  The second amendment is an inalienable human right to self defence. It is not given to us by our government, it’s a reminder to our government to not step

Violence is violence. The tool makes little difference. I’ve been seeing quite a bit of trucks being used as mass murder devices recently. Don’t hear everyone up in arms about that. Take away guns (sorry pandora’s box is open) and you’ll have the higher per capita violent crime like the UK, except you’ll get stabbed


Yes. Be proud of our governor who bullied our congress into signing a bill at midnight, on which they nor the people of the state had any time to review (72 hour requirement). It was a knee jerk emotional reaction to the Newtown shooting, with NO basis in reality (323 rifle deaths in the ENTIRE U.S. in 2015, including

Maybe not, but the people considering committing armed attacks would have to think twice about it.

Wow. Fascist much? 

YES! Let’s legislate all the things!!! LAWS! LAWS! LAWS!

Owned? Usually homeowners continue to own homes.

Guys. Macready turned all of those whiskey bottles into Molotov’s. He had no reason to keep any whiskey for drinking purposes. CHILDS drinks it, and then we know who is THE THING!

Marijuana Poisioning? Really? According to Dr. Lester Grinspoon (Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School) cannabis isn’t at all toxic. So explain the “poisoning”.

Yeah, the biolite uses thermopiles to turn temp differences into voltage. (thermopiles are a bunch of thermocouples used in parallel)

Algae is the answer. It’s the primary converter of CO2 anyway.

HA! Italians are lazy as F*CK! What was the last problem you solved? Italians are also racist as F*CK! HAHA oh man that’s too much. And just so you know this is coming from an American with Italian (and many other) roots, who’s family still owns a villa in Genoa. So I probably know more than most Americans about how

WHAT!? NO. Most hair-dryers are like 1200w. Good luck finding something small/energy dense enough.

He also lifted Penn Station off of himself during an encounter with the Lizard.