
Does that leave Daisy as the evil criminal mastermind?

The Mr. Green storyline is the gift that keeps on giving - doesn't everyone love a a good 'guy dies in a bus accident' plot?

Hee, so true - I can't even remember the last time anyone mentioned Matthew by name.

I'm not usually a big Carson fan, but Carson in tears after Mrs. Hughes' 'old booby' line - waaahhh! Best Carson moment evaaaar!


I got the opposite from that scene - I thought Cora was agreeing with Mrs. Drewe.
I really enjoyed Cora in these scenes - it's nice to see her take control of the situation and dole out smackdowns to the appropriate people.

Every child on this show acts in an unnatural manner. Does George even talk? No one laughs, runs or chatters - let alone tantrum.

To be fair, Mary has no friends, so she truly does lack insight to Violet's feelings.

Except that Daisy treats Molesely with the same contempt everyone else does.

Hopefully, we'll get to see George acting like a little boy. Man, is that kid ever lethargic.

If I were Mrs. Drewe, I would have taken Edith apart with my teeth - and Mr. Drewe would have been next.