A tale told by an idiot

well you apparently disagree with a lot of people who actually work with victims of domestic violence about how domestic violence causes many women the world over to live in fear. plus my lived experience as a woman. violence against women IS political, and it is very much intended to cause fear and to limit women’s

The intensity of my reaction was overblown towards your fairly innocuous post, Matsiyahu. And I apologise for that. I know you as a kind and conscientious commenter. Just for some of us, it gets tiresome that, as women, we must live in a constant baseline of fear (and for some, terror) that is so normalised in this

except for how many male domestic abusers are misogynistic, and how many political terrorists are misogynists, too. they are often deeply intertwined. hatred of women and wanting women to feel afraid is part of their abuse. you don’t understand how misogyny feeds domestic violence, i guess. you should educate

I’m noting that every commenter who does not believe that this equates to terrorism is male. There is such little fundamental understanding of what it is to be a woman and thus under constant threat of violence, here.

I and a lot of women feel afraid when I read about men doing this stuff to women. Shit like this is why I walk fast through parking lots and try to be nice even when a guy is behaving in a sexually aggressive way such as catcalling. This shit is scary. It can happen to any woman if she trusts the wrong man. It’s

This is the first time I heard the term and it really made me think. I think it applies perfectly, in that the intent is to instill fear and compliance in the target.

I was told by a “friend” that she could never be abused because she wasn’t weak. She knew I had been abused by my boyfriend.

Well, yes. And we have words to describe those differences. There is a world of difference between a kindergartner and a PhD candidate too, but we call them both students. A Chihuahua doesn’t look much like an Irish wolfhound, but we call them both dogs. An apple is very different unripened on a tree than baked into a

“Terrorism” is a helpful word because it puts to bed the lie that domestic violence victims can “just leave.” So many times we put the onus on the victim to leave the relationship, when the reality is that ending the relationship doesn’t always end the abuse.

I think the article makes it sound like a recently developed term, but it’s been around for over 20 years. The original term was “patriarchal terrorism,” and Michael Johnson coined it in 1995. He did so in response to an academic and policy debate that conflated isolated acts of violence in relationships (formerly

Virtually all men are potential terrorists to women. It’s pretty straightforward, unfortunately.

The statistics in this article are deplorable. SO fucking sick of men with guns who will not take NO for an answer.

JFC, men have been terrorizing women for tens of thousands of years. Not sure how much more clear a situation can be.

Part of an abuser’s motivation is to make sure women know our place (as subordinate to and controlled by men) so it is political. This is exactly what is meant by “the personal is political.” Abuser:victim :: Patriarchy:women.

I did not know that. That is awful.

Absolutely, however, that’s why the “intimate” is there - what he did, and what the perpetrators of 9/11 did were both acts of violence which were done to instill fear and terror in people. He’s just the micro, and they were the macro.

People don’t understand why women who are victims of violence don’t report the crimes, or even if they do, they don’t discuss it openly with family/friends as to how bad it is/was/could be. 

Thank you for including the number! It’s rarely included in articles about domestic abuse but it needs to be everywhere.

In front of an entire class of children. One of whom died and another receiving serious injuries. This guy didn’t just kill a mother, grandmother and coworker. He also killed any feeling of safety for the students and staff at that school.

Noteworthy that the president never issued a “thoughts and prayers” statement about this tragedy.