A tale told by an idiot

No, she didn’t. She advocated a no fly zone, which would have prevented the gas attack in the first place. And Russia would have gone along with it because Hillary’s a much stronger leader than Obama was.

I see what you’re saying, but from my perspective, Trump doing anything is suspect and worrisome. Trump is an unstable child who has practically no knowledge of the world, doesn’t understand the strategy of foreign relations, and is yet-to-be understood Russian ties make involvement in any context where the Russians

“ ... she wouldn’t have been a complete fucking hypocrit and totally unprepared to guide this.”

The point isn’t that she wouldn’t have been for intervention. Hell, she said she was. The point is that she wouldn’t have been a complete fucking hypocrit and totally unprepared to guide this.

She would have probably spent more than 10 minutes planning things out, though. She would also have likely planned out possible scenarios and reacted accordingly.

Yes, she would have done this as well. But I would have a lot more faith in her decision making, her state department, her advisors, etc. I have none here.

*Stares hard at picture of cunty parents*

Except that this happened because of a chemical attack that LITERALLY HAPPENED LIKE 24 HOURS AFTER TRUMP’S SECRETARY OF STATE BASICALLY SAID THAT HE WAS COOL WITH ASAAD. l i t e r a l l y. This is, in large part, Tillerson’s fault. Because he sucks.

Yes. Keeping Syrian babies out of the country was a major campaign point. All of a sudden he gives a shit about them? Please.

especially the dipshits who whined that she was to hawkish or libel to start WW3.

And, he’s down at Mar-a-Lago because of course he is.

We be gay, hence my handle with Q for “queer”

Agreed, and may I add -It sucks fucking dudes! Sucking dudes? Fuck that!

Do you think that guys are such babies about pain because they don’t experience it as often? Think about it, if ladies are having monthly cramps and for some women, the pain of cramps with equivalent to a heart attack. Guys just have the odd ache and pain, and when they have an intense pain something’s wrong.

“Typhoid harry” will get a star from me any day of the week.