A tale told by an idiot

And junior teachers will likely never make that much even when they reach senior teacher status. Because of pay freezes and step freezes from budget cuts, that top salary gets whittled down each year and step increases become smaller. There were senior teachers in my school district who got $65,000 a year. The new

I’m not disputing that some district pay teachers very well, especially teachers who have decades of experience and master’s degrees. But that is the exception, not the rule. And districts like to do wonky things with publicizing how much money they pay their teachers.

Imagine, workers being paid an increasing amount relative to their years of experience and qualifications.

My mom has been teaching for 25 years. Her salary is $47k. Teacher salaries vary based on district, but compare them to average professional salaries (need a degree and continuing certification) in your area and they’re always at the bottom.

Well teachers have school loans. Also, what about junior teachers?

Both teachers and child care providers are two of the most underpaid professions in this country. I get really pissed when people think that teachers are just stand ins for child care providers because even child care providers deserve to be paid 2-3x what they actually make.

Dublin Coddle!! Sausage and colcannon!!

I mean, as a person with Irish heritage who really enjoys Irish culture ... sort of. It’s mostly asshole college kids, and really, there is no excuse for a cultural celebration to be such a hotbed of racism. It’s also a great event to go to as a woman if you’re interested in getting sexually harrassed and/or

It really is the worst. It’s sort of like “HAHA IRISH PEOPLE ARE DRUNKS RIGHT HAHAH LET’S CELEBATE THAT HERITAGE BY GETTING PIBLICLY SHITFACED, COMMITTING HATE CRIMES, AND DESTROYING SHIT!” It really bums me out, because I actually like celebrating with really good music and beer and buttery soda bread, but it’s

I would extend that to all St Patty’s day celebrations. I grew up learning irish step dancing, and this is the worst time of year because you’re either performing for boring old white people who’s community centers reek of the cabbage they’ve been boiling all day, or you’re in the parking lot of some bar while drunk

10? lol late start

St. Patrick’s day in Chicago is fucking mayhem. I treated it like the Purge and just fucking tried to stay safe til it ended

Agreed. I lived in Boston for 4 years and avoided it like the plague.

Honestly, that whole parade is a fucking shitshow in every way and humanity would be better off without it.


while that is true, Facebook violated the law when they solicited the images. Regardless, this does raise the question of how journalists can investigate this type of thing considering possessing the material you are investigating is a crime.

It turns out that some things that are technically illegal are in fact allowed if done in the name of the law, or in time of great distress.

if the BBC says that they have images of child porn they would like to discuss, and facebook says that the BBC should send the images they would like to discuss over.... they are requesting that BBC provide the evidence of policy violations. Not sure what is hard to understand there

Your comment was dismissed for not in any way addressing why you accused everyone in the thread of being “sick.”

And the First Ammendment would be totally relevant in this context if Facebook was actually the federal government