A tale told by an idiot

Michael Steele was on AM Joy this morning and he and Joy agreed: you DO NOT come for Michelle Obama and you DO NOT come for John Lewis if you have two brain cells to rub together.

Religious freedom protections and the free exercise clause have been interpreted in such a way that prevents the court from inquiring into the veracity and sincerity of a person’s religious beliefs, or from even considering evidence that a person does or does not live his life in conformity with those principles. You

I had to do a little research about religious freedom laws. I came across this neato bandito PDF from one of those Alliance defending freedom people about how to protect your church from lawsuits by the homosexuals and such. As you may or may not expect, faith and teachings and scriptures don’t really play any part

Let’s all pause to appreciate how fucked up it is that agreeing to perform for the President is a lapse in judgement. It’s so insane that this is normal now.

Isn’t he one of those gazillionaire country guys? I remember him doing cringe-y “Muhrica” songs post-9/11. Or was that someone else? I was busy channeling all my life energy into The Strokes message board back then.

Responding to both of your posts.

Welcome to our tiny corner of the former Gawker universe, white people. But, even that’s too much for us to have, apparently. No, you’ve got to come over here and ruin this, too. The other posts on The Root have gotten a handful of comments, but someone says something about Bernie, and it’s like the goddamn bat signal.

Having failed miserably at the coalition building that is a prerequisite to being a successful Democrat

10/10 would join. Base it off some Druid/Goddess Avalon mythology.


I pretty much honestly made this mistake.

“Human life, beginning at the moment of conception, is sacred in all of its forms and today, I introduced a bill that will protect the lives of voiceless innocents,”

Satanic Temple’s already on it. Everyone should join.

Question for any medical professionals: is a heartbeat, in fact, the universal indicator of life?

“Human life, beginning at the moment of conception, is sacred in all of its forms and today, I introduced a bill that will protect the lives of voiceless innocents,”

NO! Not cool. First all she knew is there was a person who looked like they were breaking into a car. That could have been anyone, second, harassment regardless of who it is is wrong. Don’t even joke about it.

I have no idea what criteria anyone would use beyond “white guys with guitars in their band” to put Nickelback, Creed and the Goo Goo Dolls on the same list.

What did she do wrong? I’m sorry but so far I see a cops who fucked up horribly, and a a “nosey” woman who at worst probably assumed cops would do their job instead of beating someone.

I’ll be watching the queerest thing I can. In fact I had 2 new years resolutions. To be even more queer and to nap more.

Every single poll forecast had her steamrolling him in the popular and electoral vote, and she was working on earning a mandate. (And if not for those 80k votes in voter-suppressed swing states, she would have had it with her popular vote lead.) How DARE she reach out to voters who aren’t usually reached by democratic