A tale told by an idiot

Shit, I just realized — this coming bubbling up to the surface MUST be the reason Trump’s pet intelligence experts keep jumping ship! They get on board, and then their buddies at the agencies slip them a clue what they’re in for.

To me this is the most fucked up part. I can’t judge someone for doing pee stuff with sex workers. The treason thing is pretty damn awful. But going out of your way to defile a bed the black president you hate had once slept in with his wife? I am honestly surprised Trump’s hatred of Obama (assuming these allegations

Someone at the IRS needs to do a Snowden. For the good of the whole planet.

So much of what he says should be considered treasonous. The ones that could impeach him just don’t care. That’s why part of my soul won’t stop screaming.

I am normally as rational as hell but this whole Trump thing has me almost turned inside out in terror. I’ve been studying history for WAY too many decades not to see the parallels to WWII (and not just Trump, but LOTS of unbalanced leaders at once.) And Trump is just gagging to use nukes (WTF does he care, he’ll be

I mean, the point of this is that Russia (allegedly) had unsavory information and were blackmailing Trump. It’s relevant, even if stupid.

As I said a bit upthread:

My thing about Pence possibly taking over is that it won’t just secure the nukes. You will take out the cult leader of all of those neo-Nazis and ignorant right-wingers. Pence isn’t the one they’ve spent all this time worshipping and adoring and idealizing. Trump is. If he experiences a devastating fall from grace,

We can mitigate evil, we can’t mitigate crazy evil. One step at a time.

Also his campaign manager, before Goebbels and Conway, was Paul Manfort. His disgusting pro-Russia ties were exposed and he faded away into mist.

I think its the intelligence community’s way of alerting the American people to the truth since trump was obstructing them from exposing trump as a russian puppet.

The things Pence would do can be fixed. Laws can be repealed, judges replaced in time, ect. You can’t un-push the red button. I’ll take The Handmaid’s Tale (fighting the whole wayover The Road, terrible as it might be.

...that Russia has been cultivating Trump for at least five years and that Trump aides were in contact with Russian operatives during the election....

Hookers? Don’t care.

I know a lot of people here are anti twitter but it’s ground zero for this story and I recommend it.

DVRing it to watch on the weekend. Work starts too early tomorrow, don’t need to be all red faced. Watching Ferris Bueller for the gabillionth time, he’s my second favorite Chicagoan.

Russia has been cultivating Trump for at least five years

At the end of the day, I’m just willing to not have trump with the nukes right now.

Yay! Maybe they’ll impeach him soon after inauguration! Wait, Pence would be President then? Maybe Pence was in on it, and they’ll both be impeached! Wait, Paul Ryan would be President then? Maybe Pence AND Ryan were in on it, and they’ll all be impeached! Wait, Orrin Hatch would be President then?

I’m taking it with a grain of salt, even if these rumors were spinning for months, BUT at the very least it requires an independent special investigation.