A tale told by an idiot

We never under any case try a child as an adult, that’s why we have a juvenile system. Unless, of course, a case meets the very strict qualification that people need vengeance, in which case, we can bend the rules a bit and ignore the realities of different brain chemistry and development.

So, what happens when you don’t have a spare set of hands to hold your breast up? Like, are you supposed to have someone walking around with you holding it up with two hands if you need to get something done? If you want ‘em both lifted, do you need four extra hands?

Now playing

First of all, what you have here is very interesting.

With the most extreme gravity! Fashion is serious! Gravely serious!

I would say that is less of what breasts are. Mammaries of a big deal. Especially the bottom part that is sticking out of the bottom of this bodice piece. That’s where all the business glands are. They are not just a bunch of fat bulges, tyvm! And we certainly dont need to identify another

Aw, cherry-on-top nipples sound just scrumptious!

Gotta go with alien then. Cool! Otherwise it would suggest that they are misrepresenting reality in fashion photography, and that is just too incredible to believe!

But...but... are they supposed to be invisible nipples? Is this just a continuation of the creepy nude lip thing that was popular last year - nude nips? Because if so, the makeup industry is going to make so much money on extra-matte ultra-plumping nipstick!

Ugh! It is literally the land beneath our feet, people!

I am actually wondering how high up the nipple is on her left breast. Are nipples out this year?

I am truly impressed that they managed to show so much breast but in such a way to make breasts actually look like fat bulges. Congrats on making boobs unpleasant, i guess.

She’s just fundraising...

I just want to say, if any of you happen to read this, women of Flint, we have not forgotten about you. To do my part, I’m working on a developing a grassroots approach to water and soil protection, monitoring, and contaninant identification inspired by what you and other communities like East Chicago, IN have

Imagine if participation in Teach For America was requisite for this position....

Oh, don’t worry, we are very disrespected at the college-prof level, too! With the added benefit that everyone incorrectly thinks we are also rich and overpaid, rather than adjuncts getting paid less than our teaching assistants.

And we know “special needs” is definitely an all-or-nothing situation. Either a kid is perfect or they are special needs and should be separated from the general population for 100% of the time. Legally blind? Send him away! Violent and emotionally disturbed? Send her to the same place as that blind kid!

Well, it’s a little complicated. It depends on where you are. But in general, the regulations involving what private schools can do in this country I believe are determined mostly by the individual state. So if the state believes a “hands-off” approach is best, then the private schools get to do basically whatever

They are going to be so bummed out once they figure out that Obama was not the reason they get ostracized for being racist, misogynist, homophobic, etc. assholes. That was just other decent humans giving you the side eye. We get to keep doing that...

Which is exaclty why i will not go gentle into that good night. I will rage, rage against the dying of the light!

He sounds like an example of the problems with lack of accountability and standards for the private school system, and he’s a huge part of the problem.