A tale told by an idiot

KI’m sorry, genetic variation? As in one orca at Seaworld providing most of their offspring? Please give a far better example. If the wild populations of any species are shrinking, the only way to obtain genetic variation is to poach individuals from the wild.

No shame! Like I said, I just never really ‘got’ the circus. It’s not like I was some animal rights savant as a 5-year-old, resisting my parents begging me to go to the circus! I just wasn’t interested. But regardless of the reason, I just never went, which seems to be somewhat less common, I have found. At least

I did not say that we should be filling up natural habitats with people - they wouldn’t really be natural habitats anymore, would they?! I mean, that whatever ecosystem you happen to already live in is already a great place for people to have access to local natural resources. Cities and their green spaces as well

You mean, is it nature vs. nurture whether we prefer our nature natural or nurtured?

Totally was picturing four different talking head versions of Megyn, each with a different contradictory viewpoints. Sounds reasonable.

Mail vs. Maille is just a spelling thing i think. French influence.

Yeah, I just don’t really feel comfortable defending zoos, including resonance like you state. I am perfectly fine with “zoos” going away to be replaced by nature preserves, rehabilitation centers, and sanctuaries. And nature documentaries for the rest. I think it is great for people to have opportunities to be

There are many different scales and missions of these sorts of operations, though, which make it difficult to say no zoos or aquariums across the board. I tend in the direction of marine ecosystems myself, so I don’t really ‘do’ zoos enough to come to their defense. But, for example, while I think of SeaWorld as

Pedantic nerd addition: and most (if not all) of the examples in the photos above actually depict “ring mail” not “chain mail.”

Oh fuuuuuuck that !

Had to read you comment three times before I figured out that your were actually talking about Krusty himself, a not making a Trump reference. Sigh...

Also, why do you need live rounds to fire up into the sky in celebration? Blanks make the same big manly boom sound, too, right? Shit, I don’t really think blanks are safe, gravity being gravity and all, but still... None of it makes sense to me. Its so dangerous AND wasteful. I feel like yelling in the dark is just

“substantial pressure on Plaintiffs to perform and cover transition and abortion procedures.”

Oh hell no, I don’t play that way, honey!

I never said any of it surprised me. I was trying to figure out where you were getting this 40%. Those lower estimates were based on complex studies by scientists, not just raw numbers of reported incidents. They were designed to compensate for issues like underreporting, etc. Where are you getting this 40% stat?

I did. Have you read your sources? Because the first one talks about an increase in complaints, and a decrease in incidence of abuse in the 1990s early 2000s in a survey of only 9 states, and the second source indicates on pp. 71:

I’m in RI, too, and I agree that there seems to be no other realistic interpretation.

I think it’s an amazing Freudian-type reference to Cropsey, the Staten Island urban legend of the murderous escaped mental patient...