A tale told by an idiot

Just needed to say that Jim Cooke’s illustration of your vagina is gorgeous! If I were you, Rebecca, it would definitely be framed and memorialized somewhere in my home! Well done everyone involved!

Damn you, Rich! What have you done?!


I am impressed with your restraint! I destroyed my brain with the conventions, and have been on what I consider to be a medically necessary diet of primarily MST3K with Mr. Show thrown in to taste ever since. (Okay, plus my beloved depressing sociocultural documentaries...but not the freaking news, unless it’s Sam

As long as we get to to have *at least* this much Michelle Obama in our lives post-presidency, I just *might* be able to deal.

Right?! It’s just like giving science deniers equal standing with the sane folks who believe in climate change. Just because we are comparing two things, does not mean they are automatically equal and opposite.

So, I come from a goth background, and I say that the “dreadlocks” being discussed here have been mislabeled here (by Jacobs too), which is obfuscating their origin. This hairstyle used to be referred to as “falls” in the goth community, and was basically any form of attached, obviously fake hair. Sometimes brightly

I was just noticing the same thing! But upon reflection, I don’t think the scroll is original. Maybe even already touched up by the same woman. The original Jesus is practically photorealistic but the scroll looks like shit. Maybe they added the scroll when they original background was damaged, and they just ‘erased’

That’s easily a high school freshman dating a senior. Which is the subject of countless rom-coms, and high school gossip sessions. I had a late birthday, so, for example, I was 13 taking French 1 with a few 18yo seniors. If they hadn’t been gross, or, alternately if they were more gross, who knows what could have

Interesting! Thanks!

Yeah, I mean, isn’t some of this conception business just a numbers game. Statistics, baby! Probability! Unless they are specifically talking about that fact that unless it is the right time of the month, it doesn’t matter how much sex you have. But if this sort of thing didn’t matter then why do we even measure sperm

Yeah, you should see what it’s like actually living over here - sometimes it feels the entire region has been tagged by Dunkin Donuts. I would even argue, in other contexts, it seems like southern New Englanders are brainwashed addicts for their awful coffee. In fact, now I even wonder if the filmmakers were

Aw man...that’s mah screen name! Not cool!

Do you think the dude in front of trump has a hastily made bandage on his finger because Trump just bit into it during the frenzy? No wonder they thought they needed to bring knives!

This. This is so important!

And I feel like all this fear mongering about the “horrors” of ASD means that we as a society are much less aware about what it actually means to be on the spectrum. And we are preventing any increase in awareness, which can also mean people dont get diagnoses and help when they need them. When people without direct

Totally agree. I takes me forever to shop because everything is a possibility. Plus I have sewing skills (though usually too lazy to use them) and can also convince myself that I might alter something creatively. At least I can’t fit in the kids sizes!

Right? The best I can hope is that it means that girls can be Ghostbusters, but the boys are just fans now.

Different states have different regulations regarding who counts as a resident with regard to jury duty. It is not the same rules, kind of like how voting and income taxes consider residency differently.