A tale told by an idiot

Seriously! The extra bummer is that when I first saw this little charmer, the nastiness tricked me into thinking I was on gawker main, and I got all excited that there were so many logical, well-stated responses...I had momentary dreams of a vibrant, respectful future, where people actually listen to each other...

Could you share what the dumb shit was that they pulled with regard to Dr. Strange? Just curious.

Whoa, holy run-on sentence, Batman!

A fraud does not mean it was fake, it just means that the data cannot be trusted. I would argue that academia is more about building upon existing research rather than tearing down studies. We build our work on peer review and discussion, and that is what this article is. The author clearly states he has not used this

Victim’s impact statements are standard during initial sentencing hearings as well. So they don’t just pop up only at parole hearings. I definitely take your point that victims shouldn’t make the decisions, but their impact should be at least considered. For better or for worse, the life of the perpetrator is forever

You are the only one here trying to turn this into a ‘feminist’ concern. Just because Brittney is female does not mean that any problem in her life is merely a lowly ‘feminist’ issue. And I have no idea how you managed to bring race into this...

I seriously know way too much about that man’s body. And now that I think about it, since I don’t really encounter a lot of full-on nudity in my entertainment, it seems that Danny DeVito may be THE celebrity whose nude body I know best.

And that was one of his earliest episodes. By now this image has been topped by seeing sweaty naked Danny DeVito being essentially ‘birthed’ out of an imitation leather couch; and a naked, fully shaved Danny covered head to toe in hand sanitizer writhing insanely in a slime trail on a barroom floor.

I get a serious Handmaid’s Tale vibe, which honestly seems like an influence that might be on people’s minds what with our constant depressing Atwood referencing.

Oh hell yes!

Now playing

The interview Jez posted the other day from Kelly Ripa’s show was pretty spectacularly fun. She is just so damned charming, I want to hang out with her so badly!

Very important question from a curious outsider: what name does Blac Chyna go by at home? Like what does Rob call her when he wants her to grab him another roll of tp? Does she go by Blac? It just seems like she has such a two part name. There must be something else. Thanks for the help,otherwise I might lose sleep...

Wait, they’re not even learning to weave their own fabric? But backstrap looms are so approachable! The artisans are just producing beautiful handmade goods on demand and just handing them over to these women because they went through all the trouble of watching? Like it’s someone doing a caricature of you at a

Thank you for this!

No, it certainly does not have to be indigenous women. Lots of people do lots of those activities to different degrees. I also don’t think this group specifically thinks if you do this list of activities you don’t exist or are living in the past. Other activities include drinking tea and separately, talking.


《Big exhale》

You know, like the indigenous women they invited to the gathering to actually teach something. Why do I suspect that the non-U.S.ians did not get the same pay rate? No reason.. but uuuughhhhhh!

I’ve been using just the CeraVe moisturizing *lotion* which is their body lotion. It is really light, absorbs really well, and is totally non-greasy. It is the best daily moisturizer I have found for my sensitive skin.

Boom, ungreyed! I feel so minimally powerful!