
I think “Weekend at Bernie’s” is probably exaggerating it a little. Even referring to him as Mr. Magoo would probably be excessive.

Even more to the point, the claim is that he has a “$2.5 million fortune”, which is actually his household’s wealth, not his individual wealth, most of which is tied up in real estate (and much of that came from an inheritance his wife received), which wouldn’t, by most estimations, even make him in the top 5%, let

Bernie: *Writes a book that nets him millions of dollars*

You can only grind out two of the 24 loot boxes in the current Iron Crown Apex Legends event through challenges. The rest you will literally have to buy, and they cost $7 a piece, so that’s $160, if you’re buying currency in bulk. You can’t buy a dollar or two dollars worth of coins and then a five spot, you have to

I am amazed that people like Sanders and Warren, who are clearly articulating ideas and plans are being edged out of media attention for members of the same-old same-old squad.  

If the people of this country elect anyone other than Sanders — up to and including not providing a landslide which would render irrelevant the election fuckery which will no doubt take place — then you deserve whatever happens to you.

That’s some pretty damning stuff.  It’s almost as if powerful people were friends with Jeffrey Epstein and his contacts kept him above the law.  Almost as if our entire justice system were fundamentally broken due to corruption; but if that were true then we’d see a lot of poor, largely powerless individuals being

lolololol yeah sure that's what it is, I don't know what I was thinking

Didn’t he just overtake Biden in the latest New Hampshire poll?

It also polls badly because most Americans are too fucking stupid to understand “socialism” does not equal “Soviet Union era communism” and are too fucking lazy to take the time to educate themselves.

“The only lesson his son, and frankly; he, needed to learn that day was to never involve yourself with police in trumps America.

And if you offered a $15 minimum, more aggressive OSHA standards, overtime pay for more categories of workers, parental leave, sick pay, etc. I’d be fine with the reduced need for unions. Unions serve as a counterbalance to employers who wish to exploit workers. If you end all exploitation of workers, I don’t mind if

Biden said something bad! Gotta distract!

Joe Biden is not the way to beat Trump. Him getting the nomination will be John Kerry 2004 all over again. Safe bet on an old white guy means low turnout.

Personally, when I decide who I am going to vote for, I shut out everything except Jezebel articles that came out 15 months before the election. So you’re definitely onto something and not at all acting like a caricature of a centrist boomer with a head full of conventional wisdom they’ve never examined.

that’s a baseless assumption. talking points like that are used to pit immigrants and people of color against one another rather than punishing the people who hire undocumented immigrants and benefit from their labor.

I understand and appreciate the sentiment behind your comment, but wanted to follow up on a couple of common misconceptions.

The valid point being what exactly? That without enough power in house and Senate we can’t pass dick so what we should do is vote for a centrist who doesn’t want things to fundamentally change and who the Republican party already had refused to work with? Or that we should just sit on our fucking hands?

Who stood out? Was it Kamala Harris? I hope it was Kamala Harris.